Articles published in the issue 9, 2019

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01.09.2019 15:46

Reconstruction of track with gauge 1067 to 1520 mm on Sakhalin


Keywords: infrastructure, technology, reconstruction.

Raenok Dmitry — Ph.D. of economic Sciences, Deputy Director of The design Bureau for infrastructure — branch of JSC «Russian Railways». Moscow, Russia. Е-mail:

Abstract. In accordance with the order of the Deputy General Director of JSC «RZD» G. Verkhovykh, the Bureau together with the specialists of the Central Directorate of infrastructure and the far Eastern railway developed several options for the organization of work and presented the technology of reconstruction of the railway track on the island of Sakhalin from the gauge of 1067 mm to the gauge of 1520 mm, which was approved at a special meeting by the first Deputy General Director of JSC «RZD» A. Krasnoshchek.



Assessment of the load capacity of steel lattice spans


Keywords: the metal span structures of railway bridges, Load rating, expert evaluation, strength, classes of loads, the coefficient of the dynamics.

Kondratov Valery — Ph.D., Head of Department of tests of bridges and structures Joint-stock company «Bridge research Institute». Saint-Petersburg, Russia. E-mail:

Rupasova Inna — Ph.D., leading researcher Joint-stock company «Bridge research Institute». Saint-Petersburg, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. The article presents an analysis of the design standards of steel superstructures of 1896—1931. On the basis of comparison of the standard time loadings accepted in the specified period, the allowed stresses and dynamic coefficients the comparative assessment of loading capacity of superstructures of the specified design standards is given. Analysis of the load capacity of steel span structures is based on the conditions of strength of the elements of the main trusses and beams of the roadway adopted in the Manual for determining the load capacity of metal span structures of railway bridges, for which the theoretical values of the areas or moments of inertia of these elements are determined.

As a result, the proposed method of expert assessment of the carrying capacity of the operated steel superstructures. This technique can be used for a comparative assessment of the carrying capacity of span structures and the development of a common approach to the content, strengthening and replacement of span structures of different design standards; identify the weakest elements in the span structures of certain design standards in order to establish control during operation. The estimation of the load capacity of the elements of spans of different lengths of various design standards is given.

On the basis of comparative analysis, it is shown that the load capacity of span structures without significant defects and designed according to the norms of 1907 and later exceeds the load class of bridges of the second category of load capacity. The bearing capacity of span structures designed according to the norms of 1896 can correspond to the load capacity of bridges of the third, fourth or fifth category.



Modern and advanced light type track machines for the permanent way cleaning


Keywords: track machines, rail-sleeper grid, cleaning the ballast.

Grinchar Nikolay — D.Sci., professor of the department «Railroad, construction machines and robotic systems», Russian university of transport (RUT (MIIT)). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Bykov Andrei — research worker of a 41 laboratories of the research testing center (researches and prospects of development of the special technique of the Railway troops) FGBY «3 the Central research institute» of Department of defense of Russian Federation. Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Kapystin Nikolay — deputy head of department – head 41 laboratories of the research test center (research and development prospects of special equipment of Railway troops) of the Federal state budgetary institution «3 Central research Institute» of the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation. Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. The article presents the description and characteristics of the light type track machines to perform work on the content of the permanent way, in particular, cleaning the upper part of sleepers from excess ballast and weeds.

The machines are made based on industrial tractors with a combined stroke. The advantages of this type of machines over machines on the railway track only are briefly shown.



Classification of railroads by noise levels and noise protection


Keywords: noise, railway line, noise protection, sanitary zone.

Butorina Marina — Ph.D., Docent of Environment and Labor Safety Department, Baltic state technical university «VOENMEH». St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail:

SPIN-code: 8217-6515.

Kuklin Denis —D.Sci., Professor of Environment and Labor Safety Department, Baltic state technical university «VOENMEH». St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. The impact of noise on the population of a residential area close to the railways is considered. The data of acoustic characteristics of trains are evaluated and analyzed. The processes of formation of noise of trains of various categories are considered. The classification of railway lines by noise levels is given, the size of the sanitary zone is estimated.

Ways of reducing railway noise at the source and on the way of its propagation are investigated, a complex of noise protection measures is proposed depending on the category of the railway line.



Improving the efficiency of rock-fall sites on the Zabaikalskaya railroad


Keywords: road bed, stability of slopes (slopes), active (cover grids) and passive protection of slopes, rocky and landslide sites.

Bondarenko Alexey — Ph.D., the professor of «Way and Travelling Facilities» department, Samara State University of means of communication. E-mail:

Rakhcheev Valery — D.Sci., the professor of «Way and Travelling Facilities» department, Samara State University of means of communication. E-mail:

Matyushkova Lyubov — senior teacher of «Way and Travelling Facilities» department, Samara State University of means of communication. E-mail:

Maximov Ilya — senior teacher of «Way and Travelling Facilities» department, Samara State University of means of communication. E-mail:

Bespechansky Sergei — Executive director DV GeoProject LLC. E-mail:

Abstract. One of main forming deficiencies of a road bed on the railroads located in mountain regions are rocky and landslide sites which significantly influence train service safety. Work of a way provides application of various protection structures in such conditions. As a result of calculation of coefficient of stability of slopes it is recommended to apply a protective coating of slopes (slopes) of rocky and landslide sites cover grids in addition to the existing designs of passive protection. Problems of inspection and diagnostics of rocky and landslide sites are designated and the main ways and actions for their decision are planned.



Forecast assessment of unfavorable engineering geological processes during the linear construction in the permafrost


Keywords: permafrost soils, geological processes, forecast assessment, complex quantitative analysis, thermokarst, waterlogging.

Pendin Vadim — D.Sci., Professor, chief of the engineering geological department in Russian state university of geological prospecting. E-mail: SPIN-code: 1598-1322.

Shubina Daria — Master of geology, Senior Lecturer of the engineering geological department in Russian state university of geological prospecting. E-mail: SPIN-code: 4149-9870.

Abstract. The following article is concerned with the line structures functioning in the permafrost, particularly with different complications because of adverse geological processes development. An example of frost heaving and thermokarst development forecast estimation on the basis of information complex quantitative assessment and mathematical statistics methods is considered.