About the Journal
"Railway Track and Facilities" is monthly popular scientific, production and technical journal. More than 60 years the journal covers the activities of the enterprises of the domestic railways track facilities and the experience of foreign countries.
The magazine is the only in Russia and CIS countries publication that provides the latest information about repairs and maintenance of the railway track, engineering structures, development and introduction of new designs of track, bridges, tunnels, and culverts, modern track machines and mechanisms, improving the system of infrastructure management.
The journal is included in the base of the Russian Science Citation Index database.
Evidence of the high level of the journal is that it is included into the list of the leading periodicals, approved by the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation publication in which is required for defence of Ph.D. and D.Sci. thesis.
We invite of specialists of middle and top managers track economy, specialized machine-building complex and transport engineering, foremen, masters and track workers, designers, researchers and students to cooperation.
Publishing ethics
Editors of the journal «Science Evolution» are guided by the principles of publication ethics, developed on the basis of international standards:
- Provisions adopted at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity compliance (Singapore, 22-24 July 2010, http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/8102);
- Provisions developed by the Committee on the Ethics of Scientific Publications (of The Committee on Publication Ethics - COPE, http://publicationethics.org/resources/guidelines);
- rules of scientific publications (on the Ethics of Scientific Publications Committee, http://publicet.org/code/).
Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications Authorship
Author (a group of authors) realizes that they are responsible for novelty and reliability of research results. This includes following principles:
- Authors must submit authentic results of the research they carried out. Deliberately falsified or fraudulent arguments are unacceptable;
- Authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works. Adopted fragments and statements should be appropriately cited or quoted with an indication of an author and an original source. In the case of other work’s fragments usage or appropriations of statements by other authors, this work should have corresponding bibliographic references with mandatory definition of the author and primary source. All articles must be subjected to the checkup by means of the service «Antiplagiat»;
- The contribution of everyone who in one way or another influenced the process of research must be acknowledged; in particular, the paper must include references to papers that were considered in the study.
- Authors must not submit to the journal papers that are currently under review at another journal, as well as papers that have already been published in a different journal.
- Co-authors of the article should include all persons who have implemented significant contributions to the study. Indication of persons who are not involved in the study is unacceptable.
- Authors are obliged to disclose all conflicts of interest that can influence their manuscript assessment and interpretation. All sources of financial support (grants, governmental programs, projects, etc.) must be disclosed and obligatory listed in the manuscript
- Authors are required to immediately notify the editor in the event of an error in any work submitted for publication, accepted for publication or already published work, as well as contribute to the editorial correction of the error. If the revision recognizes an error by third parties, the authors should immediately correct the error and provide evidence of its absence.
- Authors must follow the applicable laws on copyright protection; materials protected by copyright (for example, tables, figures or large quotation) may be reproduced with the permission of their respective owners.
Any violation of copyright will be considered according to COPE algorithm.
Ethical Principles of Editing
The editor is professionally responsible for bringing works of authorship to the public, which requires that they adhere to the following basic principles:
- Editorial board publishes information materials for authors (the list of the necessary requirements for the articles, the procedure for article consideration and review) in the journal and on the website http://www.science-evolution.ru.
- Editorial board shall decide on the acceptance or rejection of publications based on the results of the inspection of the manuscript for compliance with the requirements for registration and the results of the review. Editorial board has the right to reject the publication of articles with evidence of slander, insult, plagiarism or copyright violations. The final decision on the publication of an article or refusal of such is accepted by the chief editor of the journal.
- Editorial board ensures confidentiality, i.e. undertakes not to disclose the submitted manuscript to anyone except the respective authors, reviewers, other editorial advisers and, if required, the publisher.
- With respect to the materials considered for publication, editorial board selects independent reviewers having enough experience and no conflict of interests.
- Editorial board shall work to ensure and improve the quality of published materials, meet the needs of readers and authors, make a significant contribution to the development of national and foreign science.
- Principles of editorial activities include: relevancy, importance, clarity, reliability, validity of research materials.
- Thoroughness, fairness, uniqueness, fullness of submissions, balance, originality, and clarity are adopted as the main indicators of high quality of published research materials.
- Editorial Board is working to attract and recruit in the staff of the editorial board highly qualified professionals, actively contributing to the development of the journal.
- Editorial board is constantly improving the processes of reviewing, editing and publication evaluation by experts.
- Editorial board ensures careful consideration of publications for image manipulation, plagiarism, duplicate or redundant publication.
- Editorial Board shall decide on the acceptance or rejection of an article for publication on the basis of all the comments of independent reviewers in general. The final editorial decision and the reasons for its adoption is reported to the authors.
- Editorial board shall promptly consider each claim for unethical behavior of the authors of manuscripts and already published articles, regardless of the time of their delivery. It shall undertake appropriate reasonable measures in respect of such claims. In case the claim arguments are confirmed, the editors have the right to reject publication of the article, cease further cooperation with the author, publish a retraction, and take other necessary measures to further curb unethical behaviour of this author.
Ethical Principles of Publication Reviewing
Reviewers are responsible for academic expertise of copyrighted materials, so their work should be impartial and adhere to the following principles:
- A paper received for review must be considered as a confidential document that cannot be transferred for information or discussion to third parties that are not authorized by the editorial office.
- A reviewer must provide an objective and substantiated evaluation of a study’s described results. Personal criticism of the author is unacceptable.
- Unpublished data received from submitted papers must not be used for personal purposes by the reviewer.
- The reviewer, who does not regard himself as a specialist in the field considered in the paper or understands that he would not be able to provide a review of the paper within the proposed or mutually agreed time-frame, must inform the Editorial Board about his inability to review the submitted paper as soon as possible.
- Independent reviewers are informed about the requirements they should meet, and the information on any changes in editorial policy is provided.
Editorial board protects confidentiality of the reviewers’ personal data.
Ethical Principles of the Publication of Scientific Articles
Publisher carries liability for publishing author’s works; that leads to the necessity to follow the next main principles and procedures:
- Publisher has a supporting, investing and nurturing role in the scholarly communication process but is also ultimately responsible for ensuring that best practice is followed in its publications.
- Publisher takes its duties of guardianship over the scholarly record extremely seriously. Our journal programmes record «the minutes of science» and we recognise our responsibilities as the keeper of those «minutes» in all our policies not least the ethical guidelines that we have here adopted.Publisher should take reasonably responsive measures when ethical complaints have been presented concerning a submitted manuscript or published paper, in conjunction with the publisher (or society). Such measures will generally include contacting the author of the manuscript or paper and giving due consideration of the respective complaint or claims made, but may also include further communications to the relevant institutions and research bodies.
- Publisher should support the journal’s editorial board in consideration of claims to ethic aspects of publishing materials and help to interact with other journals and/or publishers, if it is a responsibility of the editors.
- Publisher should achive well-timed pubpication of journal.
- Publisher strives to remove advertising, reprinting, and other commercial influences from the journal editorial board decision-making;
- Publisher promotes cooperation with publishing houses and trade publishers in many fields.