Articles published in the issue 9, 2018
« Back 01.09.2018 16:30 Ground density control of railway formation by method of ground penetrating radar
Keywords: gpr, diagnostics of railway, subgrade, density, processing techniques. Shapovalov Vladimir — Ph.D., associate Professor, of the Department of «Track and Track Facilities», Rostov State Transport University (RSTU). Rostov-on-Don, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-код: 9203-7339 Okost Maxim — Ph.D., associate Professor, of the Department of «Track and Track Facilities», Rostov State Transport University (RSTU). Rostov-on-Don, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-код: 5964-2233 Morozov Andrey — Ph.D., associate Professor, of the Department of «Physics», Rostov State Transport University (RSTU). Rostov-on-Don, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-код: 5542-4805 Yavna Viktor — D.Sci, Head of the Department of «Physics», Rostov State Transport University (RSTU). Rostov-on-Don, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-код: 8681-4570 Vasilchenko Andrey — engineer of the research part, Rostov State Transport University (RSTU). Rostov-on-Don, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-код: 3445-6262 Abstract. The work considers the estimation of the possibility of the ground-penetrating radar (GPR) method in the continuous determination of the soil density of the railway track under construction. The paper presents several methods for obtaining soil density based on changes in the permittivity and reflectivity of the soil during compaction. The good convergence of the density values obtained by direct methods and the method of GPR is shown. The effectiveness of the proposed methodo has been tested on the roadbed of the railway section under construction. The use of the proposed methods will make it possible to control the uniformity of the distribution of soil density along the surveyed site.
Modern fire retardant materials for railway infrastructure facilities
Keywords: fire protection, components, binders, railway transport, infrastructure. Sycheva Anna — Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, senior lecturer Russian university of transport (RUT), Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT)., SPIN-code: 3815-1550. Mozharov Alexander — Master in the direction of «Construction» of the Russian University of Transport RUT (MIIT, Department of Transport Construction). E-mail: Annotation. The analysis of flame retardants used in construction, their components, as well as various fire-barrier barriers, screens, other protective structures made on the basis of these components is given. Proposals on the protection of transport construction objects are given.
Unified space track alignment model for railway track designing, maintenance and repairing
Keywords: railway track alignment, high-precision coordinate system, project track position, track alignment model. Buchkin Vitaliy — Dr.Sci. (Eng.), professor. Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow. Russia. E-mail: Lenchenkova Elena — lead manager LLC «Investstoyproekt». Moscow. Russia. E-mail: Abstract. There are the track maintenance troubles, particularly track maintenance on project coordinates, which caused of project and maintenance track models difference. There are the solves of these problems.
Structures and constructions of infrastructure with geoecoprotective properties
Keywords: geoecoprotective materials, heavy metals ions, construction wastes, railway transport, geosynthetic materials. Sakharova Antonina — Ph.D., assistant professor, Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University (PGUPS). St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: Baidarashvili Marina — Ph.D., assistant professor, Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University (PGUPS). St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: Petriaev Andrei — Ph.D., senior researcher, Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University (PGUPS). St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: Malchevskaya Kristina — graduate student, Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University (PGUPS). St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. In this article the authors examine the construction wastes using autoclave foam concrete, silicate brick and an artificial mineral substance such as cement clinker as an example. These materials are proposed to use in various structures and structures of the railway track for environmental protection. Studies have shown that these materials have geoecoprotective properties and they can neutralize heavy metal ions. Therefore the authors suggest applying these materials in geoecoprotective technologies of transport construction to reduce environment pollution.
Research work of rail wear in curved track in the pike
Keywords: rail wear, ground plan and grading of track, vertical setting of rail, unbalanced acceleration, rail track geometry. Karpuschenko Nikolai — D.Sci., Professor of «Track and Track Facilities» Department, Siberian Transport University (STU). E-mail: Antereykin Evgeniy — Ph.D., Associate Professor of «Track and Track Facilities» Department, Siberian Transport University (STU). E-mail: Trukhanov Pavel — Lecturer of «Track and Track Facilities» Department, Siberian Transport University (STU). E-mail: Zamelova Darya — Postgraduate of «Track and Track Facilities» Department, Siberian Transport University (STU). E-mail: Abstract. Article is devoted to a study of the side of the road. Especially sharply the matter is shown on sites with curves of small radius. Experimental data are determined on the basis of skilled signals by the research station TsNII-4 and manual measurements of side wear and parameters of a rail track. As a result of the researches, the interrelation of the intensity of the side of the rails from the radius of the curves, the outstanding cross acceleration, the eminence of an external rail, axial loadings is established. The method of calculation of the eminence of an external rail for curves on the perevalny site. |