Articles published in the issue 5, 2019
« Back 01.05.2019 15:06 The influence of dry pumping on the dynamic interaction of rolling stock and track
Keywords: pumping, vertical forces, track panel displacement, stiffness. Kossov Valery — D.Sci., Professor, Director General of JSC “VNIKTI”. Kolomna, Russia. E-mail: Krasnov Oleg — Ph.D., Head of Department of track and special rolling stock of JSC “VNIKTI”. Kolomna, Russia. E-mail: Akashev Mikhail — Development engineer of JSC “VNIKTI”. Kolomna, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. With the help of experiments there is defined the increase of vertical forces’ level and the decrease of vertical displacements of the track panel from wheels of a freight train running on the “dry” pumping. It is established that the pumping in a dry state increases the stiffness of the undersleeper foundation from 37,3 to 82,4 kN/mm, or 2,3 times. This causes the increase of vertical forces mean values in the interaction of wheels and rails from 97 to 133,2 kN, or 1,37 times, the decrease of vertical displacements of the track panel from 2,5—2,6 mm to 1,5—1,4 mm. Citation: Kossov V.S. The influence of dry pumping on the dynamic interaction of rolling stock and track / Kossov V.S., Krasnov O.G., Akashev M.G. // Track and track facilities. 2018. # X. P. XX-XX.
The study of the microstructure of rail steel under high-frequency dynamic effects
Keywords: rail steel, high frequency vibration, gigacycle region, microstructure, microhardness, atomic-emission analysis, pearlite, ferrite, defects. Loktev Alexey — D.Sci., head of the Department «Transport building» of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-code: 5766-6018 Korolev Vadim — Ph.D., associate Professor of the Department «Transport building» of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Shishkina Irina — assistant of the Department «Transport building» of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Gridasova Ekaterina — Ph.D., head of the collective use center, associate Professor of welding production Department Engineering school of Far Eastern Federal University. Vladivostok, Russia. E-mail: Nikiforov Pavel — Ph.D., associate Professor of welding production Department Engineering school of Far Eastern Federal University. Vladivostok, Russia. E-mail: Tal’skih Kristina — engineer of welding production Department Engineering school of Far Eastern Federal University. Vladivostok, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. In the article on the basis of the conducted researches of influence of high-frequency vibration (f = 20000 Hz) on the structure of the steel in the low cycle and gigacycle fields with amplitudes in excess of and equal to the tensile strength, was the analysis of the results. After high-frequency loading of the samples, their microstructure and microhardness in the longitudinal section were investigated. Samples from different zones of the welded rail were investigated by atomic emission analysis to determine the elemental composition. In General, the proposed method of conducting high-frequency studies in conjunction with the microhardness method allows to investigate changes in metal elements under the action of high-frequency load on them and can be used in the selection of materials for various designs of high-speed transport systems, and will allow to study the effect of grinding the surface of rolling rails, as well as various defects of lashes and wheel pairs on the possibility of structural changes in the rail steel at different speeds of the rolling stock.
About the definition of deformations modulus of soils by plate bearing test
Keywords: plate bearing test, modulus of deformation, soil, load, numerical simulation, recommendations. Shteyn Aleхandеr — Ph.D., Head of the Centre, Engineering Centre, «Russian University of Transport» (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:, SPIN-code: 3213-1643. Cherkasov Alexander — Ph.D., Associate professor, Head of the Department, Department of Transport Construction in Extreme Conditions, «Russian University of Transport» (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:, SPIN-code: 2803-0987. Merenchenko Konstantin — Assistant, Department «Track and track facilities», «Russian University of Transport» (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:, SPIN-code: 2422-6625. Abstract. This article is reviewed of the theory and practice of plate bearing test to determine the modulus of deformation of soils. Based on the results of the numerical simulation, the influence on the value of the modulus of deformation of the elastic-plastic properties of soils and the presence of different soils layers in the structure under study and also values of the loads on the plate during plate bearing test is shown. Recommendations on the use of plate bearing test are given.
Risk management in the value continuous welded rails
Keywords: continuous welded rails, risk, reliability, distortion of the track, probability, ALARP principle, valuation, management, ranking matrix, acceptable level of risk, factors, method, track measurement car, wear hardness, algorithm, pre-failure condition, institute of knowledge generation, three defence lines. Atapin Vitaliy — lead engineer of methodical and technological department of INFOTRANS, Ph.D., associate Professor of the Department of «Rail and railway equipment», Samara State Transport University (SamSTU). Samara, Russia. E-mail:, Atapina Natalya — Ph.D. in economics, associate Professor of the Department of «Economy and Finance», Samara State Transport University (SamSTU). Samara, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. In the article the necessity to develop a risk management system on a continuous welded rails is said, it is necessary in the process of creating of the risk management system to be guided by real knowledge about the dynamics of this rails changing. The existing methods of risk management, as well as various principles of risk valuation, using in the world practice and in JSC RZD are mentioned. In order to study available methods of data mining in field of risk management in estimating of condition of the continuous welded rails, the opportunity of using of different knowledge bases or creation of institute of generation of new knowledge and alternatives is reported. The importance of determining the pre-failure condition of the continuous welded rails and the correct assignment of acceptable levels of risk is described in the article. The factors affecting on the state of the undocked path are given, and the algorithm of calculating the pre-failure condition of the continuous welded rails in the plan is described in detail. The concept of «three defence lines» from risks is proposed.
Functional model of microprocessor complex for special rolling stock management and diagnostics
Keywords: railway track maintenance machines, technical diagnostics, «smart» rolling stock, rolling stock digitalization, digital railway Osyaev Anatoly — professor, senior researcher of the Department of «Traction rolling stock department» Russian University of Transport (RUT (MIIT)). Moscow, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-код: 5593-0774 Fokin Sergey — 1-st category software engineer, of the Department of dynamics and strength of rolling stock and infrastructure, VNIKTI. Kolomna, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-код: 6741-1349 Abstract. The article presents a model of a microprocessor control and diagnostics complex for special rolling stock. It based on the Digital Railway model currently being developed in Russia. A functional model and a component diagram of a digital special rolling stock are given. The main technologies used in the digitalization of special rolling stock are presented.
On classification of river sections with drifting debris
Keywords: flood, catchment area, large wood material, course washout, hydrodynamic resistance, meanders, landslides, morphology, site category of the course. Anokhin Aleksandr — Ph.D., Professor of the Department of «Hydraulic engineering», Novocherkassk Reclamation Engineering Institute named after A.K. Kortunov is a branch of the Don State Agrarian University. Novocherkassk, Russia. E-mail: Buvalzeva Olga — Postgraduate student of the Department of «Hydraulic engineering», Novocherkassk Reclamation Engineering Institute named after A.K. Kortunov is a branch of the Don State Agrarian University. Novocherkassk, Russia. E-mail: Zalavsky Vladimir — chief engineer of the Center of diagnostics and monitoring of devices of infrastructure of the North-Caucasian Directorate of infrastructure of JSC Russian Railways. Rostov-on-Don, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. Disadvantages of accumulation of large floating garbage in bridge spans of railway tracks and variants of its receiving from the river catchment area are considered. Special attention is paid to variants of the movement of large floating garbage to the bridge. The movement of large garbage takes place on a thalweg of the river and its parameters, such as discharges, width, a slope and depth are proportionally connected to the diameter and the length of the carried material. Offered by the authors classification of the sites of the river according to the influence of morphology of the floodplain and course on the garbage movement gives the chance to define the application of garbage protective facilities and approximate volumes of the drifting material approached the bridge. |