Articles published in the issue 4, 2019
« Back 01.04.2019 16:02 Diagnostics of smoothness of the course and level of comfort of passengers on sites of the address of high-speed trains
Keywords: Smoothness of the course, level of comfort of passengers, acceleration of a car body, indicators of smoothness of the course, indicators of comfort, an assessment of a condition of a railway track, diagnostics of smoothness of the course. Gaponenko Aleksandr — Ph.D., associate Professor of the Department of «Railway track», Petersburg state transport University of Emperor Alexander I. Е-mail: Abstract. The article is devoted to the dynamics of smooth running of high-speed trains and the level of comfort of passengers. This problem is poorly understood and requires further research. The author draws attention to the need to improve the unified standards of dynamic interaction between the track and the rolling stock, allowing to assess the level of acceleration of the car body and ensure smooth running. Analysis of the results of studies of indicators of smoothness of the course, obtained by a portable accelerometer when traveling in high-speed trains, allowed to identify sections of the path with the deterioration of comfort of passengers. The positive impact of the implementation of the liner works on track and switches, as well as grinding the rails in terms of ride and comfort level of passengers.
Drainage of surface and groundwater on permafrost soilsKeywords: permafrost soils, ground ice, earthy leaf deformation, constructively-technological decisions, drainage. Tukmakova Oxana — technologist track machine station № 186 of the Far Eastern Directorate of repair railway,JSC «Russian Railways». Khabarovsk, Russia. E-mail: Zhdanova Svetlana — D.Sci., Professor of the Department of «Construction», Far Eastern State transportation University. Khabarovsk, Russia. E-mail: Neratova Oxana — Ph.D., associate Professor of the Department of «Construction», Far Eastern State transportation University. Khabarovsk, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. Operating experience of BAM and AYAM, Zabaikalsky railway showed that permafrost soils and in areas with underground ice after prolonged exploitation of underground constructions going on uneven melting ice, resulting in the observed significant rainfall is uneven grounds, leading to changes in geomorphological and hydrogeological conditions. In the future such areas require a thorough examination and individual approach when designing their activities. This article describes two new patented design-technological decisions sponsors used on real sites and projects, BAM and AYAM: retaining embankment variable section and two-stage drainage system.
Identification of defects of a railway track with the help of the BDC device
Keywords: axle control device, railway damage, identification of the defect on railway tracks. Suslov Oleg — D. Sci., Technical expert, Scientific Center «Track Infrastructure and Issues on wheel-rail interaction» (NTs «TsPRK») JSC «VNIIZhT». Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Adadurov Aleksandr — Ph. D., Deputy General Director of JSC «VNIIZhT». Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. The article describes a method of identification of two types of railway track defects: deformation of the ballast prism and the main platform of the roadbed and painting and delamination of metal on the surface of the rail head rolling with the help of data obtained from the axle control device.
Determination of the parameters of the force interaction of the track and rolling stock, depending on the superelevation of exterior rail and the unbalanced accelerationKeywords: superelevation of exterior rail in curved tracks, mass calculations of the impact of the rolling stock on the track in curved tracks of different radius with different superelevation of exterior rail. Ermakov Vyacheslav — D.Sci., Chief Engineer of Transputstroy JSC. Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Levinzon Mikhail — D.Sci., Executive Director of Railway Vehicle and Track Interaction Testing Center LLC. Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Lunin Andrey — Ph.D., Deputy Director General of All-Russian Scientific-Research and Technological Institute of the Rolling Stock JSC. Kolomna, Russia. E-mail: Golubyatnikov Alexander — Ph.D., General Director of Hexa LLC. Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. The object of research is the optimization of the superelevation of exterior rail in curved tracks. The article presents the results of experimental researches and mass calculations of the impact of vehicles operating in the analyzed areas on the track. Compared the results of calculations carried out using the models of Railway Vehicle and Track Interaction Testing Center LLC and Hexa LLC. On the basis of the calculations made, the parameters of the force effect of the entire range of rolling stock on the track can be formed, which will be used when choosing the size of the superelevation of exterior rail that is optimal in terms of the life-cycle cost of the structure.
Providing of heavy trains handling on metal bridges
Keywords: metal girder, railway bridge, load bearing capacity, heavy rolling stock. Bokarev Sergei — doctor of technical science, pro-rector for research, Siberian Transport University. Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail:, SPIN-code: 8301-8541. Usol’tsev Andrei — senior scientist researcher, research laboratory «Bridges», Siberian Transport University. Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail:, SPIN-code: 6167-6140. Zhunev Kirill — engineer, research laboratory «Bridges», Siberian Transport University. Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail:, SPIN-code: 7887-5244. Abstract. A great quantity of metal girders, operated on the Russian rail network, is designed according to old design standards. The service life of such structures approaches to the normative, and in some cases exceeds it. The heavy rolling stock raises the questions of railway trains passing possibility and timing of replacing riveted girders. The solution of such issues should be justified and should be based on the results of qualified surveys of bridges. Ignoring these works or performing them at a low professional level leads to irrational decisions on the further operation of the riveted girders. Usually riveted girders have sufficient load bearing capacity to pass heavy loads and proved to be reliable over a long period of operation. The replacement of riveted structures to welded girders can adversely affect the life cycle and the cost of the metal bridges operating.
The increasing of the track stability in the joints
Keywords: elastic under-floor gaskets, effect on the way, the reduction of vibration. Valeriy N. Kaplin — head of the experimental ring JSC “VNIIZhT”, E-mail: Abstract. The article describes the results of the experiment on the use of elastic pads for straightening the subsidence in the joints. Studies have shown the effectiveness of this method of alignment of the railway.
Methodology and calculation of value of the life cycle of track structure
Keywords: railway track, track structure, life cycle, life cycle model, life cycle cost, categories and cost elements. Karpuschenko Nikolai — D. Sci., Professor of «Track and Track Facilities» Department, Siberian Transport University (STU). Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail: Trukhanov Pavel — Lecturer of «Track and Track Facilities» Department, Siberian Transport University (STU). Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. The article discusses and defines the concepts of the life cycle model, the life cycle cost, the service life of the object, the relationship of reliability and the cost of the life cycle. The methodology and algorithms for calculating the cost of cost elements are presented: track rehabilitation, intermediate repairs, current track content, taking into account the consumption of materials, elimination of path failures and utilization of path design elements at the end of the life cycle. Calculations and analysis of the results of calculating the cost of the life cycle of the track structure under specific operating conditions have been made. |