Articles published in the issue 02, 2021
« Back 30.01.2021 13:47 About the construction of the upper structure of the path for sections with a complex plan and profile
Keywords: operating conditions, curve radius, axle load, complex track profile, heavy traffic, interaction of track and rolling stock, overhanging sections of track. Lisitsyn Andrey — Head of the Department of Labor Protection, Industrial Safety and Environmental Control of JSC «Russian Railways». Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Abdurashitov Anatoly — C.Sci., Professor, head of the Department of PCB And-branch of JSC «Russian Railways». Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. The analysis of the current operating conditions of the railway track, changes in its load for the period from 2006 to 2019 is given. The main causes of path disorders and measures to prevent them are given, primarily in areas with a complex plan and profile of the path. Data on the influence of track loading (axial load, train speed) on the stress level in the elements of the track structure are presented.
Normative load for design of railway bridges
Keywords: normative loads, bridges, span structures, capacity, classes, cars, locomotives, transporters, linear load. Vasil’kov Aleksei — Adviser to the Deputy General Director JSC «Russian Railways». St.Peterburg, Russia. Е-mail: Kondratov Valery — Ph.D., Head of Department of tests of bridges and structures Joint-stock company «Bridge research Institute». St.Peterburg, Russia. E-mail: Rupasova Inna — Ph.D., leading researcher Joint-stock company «Bridge research Institute». St.Peterburg, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. The design of railway bridges is carried out for a temporary load C14 that exceeds by 25—40 % the standard load for the design of a railway track, i.e. bridge structures, as elements of the track infrastructure, are created with obviously excessive strength. The article shows that the standard load C14 should be used to strengthen and design bridges on closed routes, designed to pass the heaviest promising freight cars with a linear load of more than 11 t/m and conveyors with a carrying capacity of 500 t when moving without speed limits. It is advisable to design artificial structures on public railways for a temporary vertical load of C12, and artificial structures located on railways for to design passenger rolling stock to a standard load of C8.
Effect of lubrication on the rail resource for maximum lateral wear
Keywords: track infrastructure, rail lubrication, rail resource, lateral rail wear, rail wear rate. Ivanova Tatyana — Ph.D., associate Professor, head of The Department «Railway rolling stock» of the TRANS-Baikal Institute of railway transport. Chita, Russia. E-mail: Murzin Igor — first Deputy head of the TRANS-Baikal infrastructure Directorate of Russian Railways. Chita, Russia. E-mail: Nalabordin Denis — head of the control and technical audit sector of the traffic safety management system of the TRANS-Baikal infrastructure Directorate of Russian Railways. Chita, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. The article discusses the impact of lubrication on the life of a railway rail by the criterion of maximum lateral wear. The results of a road experiment and comparative calculations on the intensity of rail wear with and without lubrication are presented.
Railway Track stiffness control on transitional sections
Keywords: railway track, transition sections, elasticity, viscosity, under-rail base, Newton’s fluid, pneumatic jack. Sycheva Anna — Ph.D., Associate Professor, Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Loktev Alexey — D.Sci. (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Head of the Department. Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Sychev Vyacheslav — D.Sci., Associate Professor, Professor, Moscow, Russian Open Academy of Transport, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Russian University of Transport (MIIT)». Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. A method is proposed for regulating the rigidity of railway track sections, mainly transitional ones, based on the inclusion in the sequence of connected elastic elements of the railway track, a viscous element with a working medium in the form of a Newtonian fluid and structurally a device for a rail base representing a box in the form of a hollow tie with a pneumatic jack inside.
Operation experience of rails on the slyudyansk maintenance section
Keywords: rail, category, curve, side wear, rate, radius, tonnage, passed tonnage, wear resistance, defective, defect code 21, contact-fatigue strength. Malygin Vladimir — the head of the operation and technical department of the Slyudyansk maintenance section of the East Siberian managing director’s office of infrastructure, Russia. E-mail: Shevtsova Nadezhda — the engineer of the operation and technical department of the Slyudyansk maintenance section of the East Siberian managing director’s office of infrastructure, Russia. E-mail: Bogdanov Oleg — Ph. D, the senior engineer of the track and special rolling stock department of JSC “VNIKTI”, Kolomna, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. The article presents the results of studies of the wear resistance and contact-fatigue strength of Japanese ВС250Я rails and Russian T1 and ДТ350 rails on the Slyudyansk track. The rate of side wear of ДТ350 rails with a tonnage of 58.4—59.1 million tons gross per year exceeds the wear rate of T1 rails by 38 % and ДТ350 rails with a tonnage of 149.5—171.3 million tons gross per year — by 70 %. T1 rails are the most resistant to the occurrence of a code 21 defect with a tonnage of 40—61.4 million tons gross per year, and BC250Я rails with a tonnage 130.8—183.4 million tons gross per year.
Measuring complexes to monitor railway facilities in seismically hazardous regions
Keywords: seismic monitoring, earthquakes, railways, security, infrastructure, seismology, seismic sensors, seismic accelerometers, seismic data loggers, monitoring systems, seismic events. Titov Evgeniy — Ph.D., associate professor, Bridges and Tunnels department, Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Vice-Chairman — academic secretary of the Joint Scientific Council, Railway Research Institute of Russian Railways, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Agafonov Vadim — Ph.D. in physics and math sciences, general director, R-sensors LLC, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Neeshpapa Alexander — deputy general director, R-sensors LLC, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Antonov Alexander — software developer, R-sensors LLC, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Perekhodov Alexey — software developer, R-sensors LLC, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Konarev Andrey — researcher, R-sensors LLC, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. A model of the measuring complex was created and tested for the seismic monitoring system of railway infrastructure facilities. The novelty of the system was the use of a highly sensitive molecular electronic seismic accelerometer as a measuring element and a real-time data transfer module based on a single-board Linux-run computer. The advantages of the used solutions are capabilities to observe a low-frequency component of the facility’s vibration spectrum, continuous monitoring of the facility along with transfer of seismic data over wired or wireless networks, detection of seismic events and sending messages to the system operator in real time. A distinctive feature of the complex is a flexible configuration for each monitoring facility.
Production and regulatory planning in the management of railway infrastructure resources
Keyword: direct costs for the current operation of track infrastructure; linear, regional and Central levels of resource planning; autumn and spring Commission inspection; labor costs, material costs; maintenance costs of machines and mechanisms; production and regulatory resource planning; resource consumption standards; TNK, KOSP, VSP, GRK, outsourcing companies. Kovalenko Nikolai * (ORCID ID 0000-0001-5629-8932) —Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow. E-mail: Kovalenko Aleksandr (ORCID ID 0000-0002-6320-8904) — head of the railway station Fryazino, Moscow-Kursk center for the organization of railway stations. E-mail: Abstract. The existing methods of resource planning at Russian Railways track facilities do not fully take into account modern approaches to their balanced distribution. The research objective is to develop a methodology for production and regulatory resource planning that contains the results of production and economic activities of a linear enterprise, followed by their consolidation at the regional level and approval at the Central level. The economic effect of the calculations performed using the new Method is characterized by a decrease in the employee compensation Fund and a decrease in the cost of materials for the current maintenance of the upper structure of the track. |