Articles published in the issue 08, 2015

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01.08.2015 11:14

About irregularities


Keywords: railway track monitoring, statistical analysis, standards for maintenance of rail track, irregularities.



New standards JSC "Russian Railways" for maintenance of rail track on high-speed lines are harmonized with European standards, and require an understanding of object of rationing. Assessment full-size irregularities of rail track are a new approach in the diagnosis for Russian Railways. The article presents some results of theoretical studies conducted by the author. A number of questions of diagnostics and monitoring of the rail track are discussed. In some examples disclosed the concept of "full-size irregularities of the main parameters of the geometry of the rail track". An original method of calculating the irregularities

track gauge and cant of rail track. The article is of interest to a wide range of permanent way economy professionals



Sergey N. Igonkin ‑ Head of department. Center of Engineering Constructions Inspection and Diagnostics, branch of JSCo Russian Railways, е-mail:



When may be lost, the temperature of the fixing?


Keywords: temperature fixing, theft, temperature, seamless way



The impact of theft on the service temperature continuous of the work jointless track is described in the article. At the current contents of the main



Karpachevskiy Gennady Vladimirovich ‑ candidate of technical sciences, associate professor chair «Track and facilities» Rostov State Transport University (RSTU), e-mail:

Novakovich Marina Vasilyevna ‑ candidate of technical sciences, associate professor chair «The higher mathematics» RSTU, e-mail:

Vardanyan Artavazd Vagramovich ‑ post graduator chair «Track and facilities» RSTU, e-mail:

Zalavskiy Vladimir Nikolaevich ‑ post graduator chair «Track and facilities» RSTU, e-mail:

Kornienko Elena Vladimirovna ‑ post graduator chair «Track and facilities» RSTU, e-mail:

Xadukaev Ali Supyanovich ‑ post graduator chair «Track and facilities» RSTU, e-mail:

Saliev Ruslan Albertovich ‑ post graduator chair «Track and facilities» RSTU, e-mail: