Articles published in the issue 07, 2014

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01.07.2014 10:33

About the modelling of work of the railway track


Keywords: dynamic interaction, normative values of sag, railway, mechanical characteristics, strength of the interaction, engineering-geological factors, orthotropic properties.



The method of selection of the mechanical characteristics of the elements of the railway track is based on calculation of anisotropic properties of materials railway as a system of three elements: the superstructure of a road, earthen tightly and rheological features of the area, which passes through the railway track. To describe the dynamic behavior of railway superstructure of a road submitted-screen element described by a hyperbolic equation of the Uflyand-Mindlin type recorded in the cylindrical coordinate system.

Based on the solution of these equations is possible on the given velocity select mechanical characteristics of materials underlying the railway track.



Loktev Alexey Alexeevich, doctor of physico-mathematical Sciences, head of the Department ROAT MIIT,

Sycheva Anna V. — senior lecturer ROAT MIIT,



Railway ballast layer and subgrade stressed state under heavy axle load operation


Keywords: stressed state, stress, ballast layer, ballast, subgrade, railway track, axle loads, heavy axle load, HAL, HAL operation.



The article discusses the results of studies of stress state ballast layer and the main site when moving trains with axle loads up to 30 tons. Height axial loads rolling stock will increase stress in the elements path and may exceed the strength of the evaluation criteria for the way the ballast and subgrade. In this regard, with increasing axial loads circulating rolling stock necessary to carry out preparations for the way.



Kolos Alexey Fedorovich, candidate of technical Sciences, Professor, head
the Department "Management and technology of construction", Petersburg state transport
University of Emperor Alexander I (PSTU),

Morozova Anastasiya Andreevna, postgraduate student, Department "Management and technology of construction",
Petersburg state transport University of Emperor Alexander I (PSTU),



The measuring equipment for dynamic tests of transport constructions


Keywords: dynamic characteristics, devices for dynamic diagnostics, control and measuring systems, safety of operation.



The trustworthy information is necessary for maintenance of safe operation of a bridge construction about dynamic influences on bearing(carrying) designs, and their abilities to resist to these influences.

In clause(article) the modern equipment used for dynamic tests of artificial constructions is described: виброизмерительные devices and the equipment, allowing to receive the necessary information on serviceability of a design under condition of influence on it(her) of dynamic loadings.

Results вибродиагностики enable maintenance of safe operation of bridge constructions under influence of modern transport loadings.



Captain Sergey Yuryevich, candidate of technical Sciences, head of laboratory, chair "Bridges",
FGBOU VPO the St. Petersburg state University of Emperor Alexander I, e-mail: