Articles published in the issue 06, 2021

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31.05.2021 14:10

New locomotives — new problems of track maintenance


Keywords: asynchronous motor, locomotives 2ES10, rail defects.

Vasileva Svetlana — leading engineer of the regulatory and methodological Department of the Railway and Facilities Management of the Central Directorate of Infrastructure of JSC «Russian Railways». E-mail:

Borts Alexey — Ph.D., deputy Director of the scientific center «Rails, welding, transport materials science» of JSC «VNIIZHT». Email:

Vaganova Olesya — head of the regulatory and methodological Department of the Railway and Facilities Management of the Central Directorate of Infrastructure of JSC «Russian Railways». E-mail:

Abstract. The article presents analytical data confirming the negative impact of new generation locomotives with 2ES10 asynchronous motors on the state of the rail economy. As a result, the authors conclude that there is a need for a comprehensive solution to the problem by transforming the maintenance scheme of the upper structure of the track in the sections of locomotives with asynchronous motors and making changes and additions to the operational and repair documentation of locomotives of the 2ES10 series.



On updating the Code of Practices «Railways of 1520 mm gauge»


Keywords: technical control, code of practices, infrastructure facilities

Romanov Andrey — Ph.D., associate Professor of the Department «Railway Track», Emperor Alexander I ST. Petersburg State Transport University. Saint-Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-код: 6385-3293

Abstract. The problem of both technological and regulatory document`s updating is considered. This problem concerns the documents for standardization and regulation of safety requirements for railway infrastructural facilities, as well as those for the processes of their design, construction, restructuring and major overhauls. As a result, the neccessaty of revising the existing version of the Code of Practices «Railways of 1520 mm gauge» becomes obvious. This updated Code should include requirements concerning all infrastructural subsystems, and set up a unified classification of all regulatory and technical documents for current railway transport infrastructure. Activities should also be initiated to develop and approve at the federal level the documents regulating appropriate calculation methods.



Method for assessing the stability of a continuous welded rail track under the influence of a train load


Keywords: stability of a continuous welded rail track, buckling, sharp curvature of the assembled rails and sleepers, finite element model of a continuous welded rail track, assessment of stability under the influence of train load.

Ovchinnikov Dmitry — Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department «Road and Track Management», Samara State University of Railway Transport. Samara, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-code: 2384-0535.

Suslov Oleg — D.Sci., technical expert, Department of Complex Innovative Projects, Scientific Information and Analytical Center of JSC «VNIIZHT». Moscow, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-code: 4933-0264.

Abstract. The article presents a method for assessing the stability of a continuous welded rail track under the simultaneous influence of temperature forces in the rail lashes and the load from the rolling stock in a finite element modeling environment using a mathematical model with nonlinear characteristics of resistance forces. A comparative analysis of the results obtained confirms the validity of the model. The use of the presented methodology reduces the amount of experimental research in the process of developing stability standards for new types of track superstructure and rolling stock construction.



About route parameters of the line Obskaya—Salekhard—Nadym


Keywords. Northern latitudinal course, difficult natural conditions, design, roadbed, the plan and the longitudinal profile of the route.

Ashpiz Evgeny — Head of the Department «Track and Track Facility», Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russian Federation E-mail:

Buchkin Vitaly — Professor of the Department «Design and Construction of Railways», Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russian Federation E-mail:

Bykov Yuri — Professor of the Department «Design and Construction of Railways», Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russian Federation. E-mail:

Grin Elena — Associate Professor of the Department «Track and Track Facility», Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russian Federation E-mail:

Ryzhik Ekaterina — Associate Professor of the Department «Design and Construction of Railways», Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russian Federation. E-mail:

Abstract. The article discusses the parameters of the route of the railway line Ob—Salekhard—Nadym (Khorey). Methods of railway tracing are proposed that take into account the features of the terrain and natural conditions of the design area, in particular, the construction of the roadbed on permafrost soils and snow transport by blizzards. For the line Ob—Salekhard—Nadym(Khorey), special profiles of the roadbed are recommended according to the condition that they are not covered by snow.



Problems of designing bridges to high-speed lines


Keywords: high-speed railway traffic, bridge structures on high-speed lines, interaction of track and rolling stock, dynamic coefficient, spans stiffness, spans structures, material consumption.

Emelyanova Galina — D.Sci., Professor, Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Sagaidachny Yaroslav — postgraduate student, Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Shamanov Georgy — postgraduate student, Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Idiatulin Danil — postgraduate student, Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Portnova Anastasia — postgraduate student, Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moskow, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. Based on world experience, developments, as well as on the basis of research by Russian scientists, a range of tasks has been identified that require further deep study to ensure safe and uninterrupted traffic on high-speed rail lines with an established speed of more than 250 km/h. The authors give options for solving the issue of material consumption, which can be used to save material without losing the strength properties of the spans. It was presented how the temperature and force effects interact with the «bridge — continuous welded track» system. Revealed the dependence of the oscillation of the superstructure on its rigidity.



High-speed railway bridges design with resonant vibrations of elements «bridge—train» system


Keywords: high-speed railway, bridge structures, resonant traffic modes.

Smirnov Vladimir — D.Sci, professor, Petersburg StateTransport University. Russia, St.Peterburg. Е-mail:

Dyachenko Leonid — Ph.D, Petersburg StateTransport University. Russia, St.Peterburg. Е-mail:

Abstract. The analysis of the dynamic operation of the «bridge—train» system under conditions of resonant vibrations of the system elements when following a high-speed moving load at a speed of up to 400 km/h is given. Recommendations for the removal of structures from the resonant zone are given.



Modern methods for realigning of the railway track


Keywords: setting rails in the design position, track lining method, control system realigning of the track, track repair, tracing adjusting, automated control, flattening method, coordinate method, parametric method, parameter reconstruction, determination of path geometry parameters.

Karpik Viacheslav — graduate student at the department «Track and track facilities», Head of the Laboratory scientific and engineering «PUTEEC», Siberian State University of Railway Transport. Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. On the railways network of Russian Railways, 98 % of the leveling and ballast tamping machines use two main track straightening control systems. At the same time, four methods of shooting the full-scale position of the railway track and the construction of a program task for aligning the track are massively used. With their help, the track is straightened with the current maintenance and at the stage of finishing the reconstruction and overhaul of the track. The methods allow solving problems of implementing design parameters, reorganizing the line plan, increasing train speeds.