Articles published in the issue 06, 2020

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01.06.2020 00:00

Improving the system for evaluating the position of the path in the plan


Keywords: curve certification, path estimation in plan and profile, mixed traffic, high-speed and high-speed traffic.

Slastenin Alexander — chief engineer, Joint-stock company «Research Institute of railway transport» (JSC «VNIIZHT»). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Vaganova Olesya — head of the regulatory and methodological Department of the road and structures management of the Central infrastructure Directorate, Open joint stock company «Russian Railways» (JSC «Russian Railways»). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. The analysis of the existing estimation of the position of curves in the plan is carried out. The existing problems of certifying the position of curves in mixed traffic and high-speed and high-speed traffic are considered. A method for evaluating the state of curves using MSD (mobile diagnostic tools) tested by full-scale survey of curves (high-precision total station survey) is proposed. Based on the analysis, it can be stated that for the passport position of the curves of the path section, a design decision should be made based on geodetic surveys with the determination of the coordinates of the points of the curve with a frequency that allows detecting irregularities in the plan with a length of 10 to 100 m.



Geometry of curves for turnouts and methods for its estimation


Keywords: gauge, turnout, turnout curve (diverging track in turnout switch panel), pairing curves, gauge measurement system, track analysis, measurement method, estimation through chords, design features of the turnouts, track condition, gauge width, gauge control in turnout switch panel.

Glyuzberg Boris — D.Sci., Professor, Head of the laboratory «Turnout facilities», JSC «VNIIZHT». Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. The features of the structure of various types of turnout curves are considered, the possibility of using measuring systems based upon the method of chords to evaluate the parameters of turnout curves is estimated, analyzed the possibility of assessing the state of turnout curves using track measuring systems with automatic data processing, the confirmation of the need for the development of special measuring means and measurement data processing techniques which takes into account the design features of turnouts is given.



Vibration in the subway and vibration protection


Keywords: vibration, upper track structure, subways.

Zamukhovsky Alexander — Ph.D., associate professor of the department «Rail track and track facilities», RTU (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-code: 4211-6690.

Pogosyan David — Post-graduate student, Department «Rail track and track facilities», RTU (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-code: 6639-3335.

Abstract. The article deals with the problem of the occurrence of vibrations during rolling stock movement. The propagation paths of vibrations are shown, vibration-proof structures for the metro are analyzed.



Testing vibration damping structures of the track in the State Unitary Enterprise «Moscow Metro»


Keywords: subway vibration, transport vibration, track vibration measurement, rail track geometry, vibration isolation.

Shmakov Andrei — acting Head of the scientific research laboratory «Track test» of the Department «Path and Track Facilities» of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Grechanik Alexander — Ph.D., associate Professor of the Department «Path and Track Facilities» of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Salmin Andrey — Engineer of the scientific research laboratory «Track test» of the Department «Path and Track Facilities» of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Semenov Evgeny — Engineer of the scientific research laboratory «Track test» of the Department «Path and Track Facilities» of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Solomatin Evgeny — Head of the Technical Department, Directorate Metro-3 JSC «Mosinzhproekt». Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. The article presents the test results of the vibration damping structure LVT-HA-M on the Nekrasov line of the Moscow metro.



On the development of non-threaded rail fasteners


Keywords: railway track, super-structure, rail fastening, stress, elastic rail clip.

Velichko Dmitry — Ph.D., associated professor Siberian Transport University. Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail:

Antonov Nikolai — Ph.D., associated professor Siberian Transport University. Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail:

Karukin Maksim — postgraduate Siberian Transport University. Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. The article provides information about the work of the sgups on the development of new Threadless fasteners with elastic elements. The results of researches on creation of perspective designs of the rail clip differing from existing V-shaped rail clip by the raised and stable elastic characteristics are resulted. Proposals for the design of low-maintenance fasteners with rail clip with a more reliable linear resistance to the displacement of the path are given.



On additional requirements for the sand of sub-ballast protective layers


Keywords: sand, protective layer, clogging, railway pumping, filtration.

Shtykov Valeriy — D.Sci., professor of the Department «Water supply, sewage and hydraulics», Petersburg State Transport University of Emperer Alexander I, Corresponding Member of RAS. Saint-Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-code: 2615-5104.

Ponomarev Andrei — Ph.D., associate professor of the Department «Water supply, sewage and hydraulics», Petersburg State Transport University of Emperer Alexander I. Saint-Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-code: 4334-8686.

Chernyaev Evgenii — Ph.D., associate professor of the Department «Railway track», Petersburg State Transport University of Emperer Alexander I. Saint-Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-code: 4334-8686.

Abstract. Currently, both in Russia and abroad, requirements for the effective pore diameter in geotextile materials have been obtained using methods which use natural sands of a certain composition. However, the particles entering the geotextile from railway ballast differ from natural sands and have a plate shape, because they are formed by chipping gravel grains during impact under the influence of a vibrodynamic load from the movement of trains. Having the same size across, their particle size distribution curves differ significantly.

A calculation method is given for determining the possibility of the formation of clogged layers in the sands, as well as the requirements for the value of the estimated value of the diameter of the filtration passageway in them, ensuring their non-clogging and preserving the filtration properties in the required limits over the standard service life.



Updating the 3D model of the railway of the MCC based on mobile laser scanning data


Keywords: 3D model of the railway, BIM, Laser scanning, 3D MCC, Updating 3D model.

Yakushev Dmitry — Ph.D., chief researcher of Joint Stock Company «Design&Research Institute for Information Technology, Signaling and Telecommunication on Railway Transport» (JSC NIIAS). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. This paper aims at review the results of the development and use of a 3D digital model of the railway of the MCC formed using mobile laser scanning data to analyze the railway content in the design position. Methods for updating the model using various railway measurement systems equipped with a laser scanner are also considered.