Articles published in the issue 06, 2016

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01.06.2016 13:54

Railway fasteners as a core element of the sustained maintenance of the track superstructure


Keywords: railway fasteners, efficiency, experience, track superstructure.


S.V. Maksimtsev — Head of Far Eastern Railway Infrastructure management Board,

V.A. Nachigin — Head of Far Eastern Railway Administration Office,

Y.A. Archipenko — Chief of Track Monitoring Station of Infrastructure Appliances Diagnostic and Monitoring Center,
e-mail: а


Abstract. The issue of import substitution in the Russian Federation involves not only high-tech manufacturing industries, but also is of a more general character, related to the self-sustaining development of whole fields of knowledge, skills and their application in practice. Production of components for Russia’s railways has always been a national priority. The Great Trans-Siberian Route, as a whole, was built and operated by use of the domestic materials and technical equipment (steam locomotives, wagons, rails, fasteners, communication systems). In the first half of XXI century, this objective is again relevant to the Russian state.