Articles published in the issue 05, 2021

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30.04.2021 11:16

Causes of rail breaks


Keywords: rail defects, crack, fracture, rolling stock derailment.

Shur Evgeny — D. Sci., Professor, Chief Researcher of the Scientific Center «Rails, Welding, Transport Material Science» JSC «VNIIZhT». Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Borts Aleksey — Ph. D., Deputy Director, Scientific Center «Rails, Welding, Transport Material Science» JSC «VNIIZhT», Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Zagranichek Konstantin — Head of the Laboratory of Scientific Center «Rails, Welding, Transport Material Science» JSC VNIIZhT. Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Vasilyeva Svetlana — Leading Engineer of Track and Facility Management of the Central Directorate of Infrastructure — a branch of JSC «RZD». Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. The main reasons for rail breaks on Russian Railways and the increase in their number in 2019 compared to the previous ones are considered. The main errors in determining the codes of rail defects in the technical conclusions, which led to breaks, are analyzed. It is shown that the main reason for the increase of rail fractures in 2019 is the increase in the cases of fractures in welded joints, which reached 42 % of all fractures, and 29 % near welded joints, which is 71 % in total. Mainly due to aluminothermic welded joints, which fractured early in operation. Based on the results of the analysis, measures are proposed to improve accounting and reduce the number of rail breaks on Russian railways.



Ensuring rail canting stability with different types of rail fastenings


Keywords: railroad, rail fastenings, rail canting, finite-element method.

Atapin Vitaliy — Ph.D., Senior Lecturer, acting manager holder of chair of the Department «Railway and railway facilities» of the Samara State Transport University, lead engineer of the methodical and technological department of the INFOTRANS. Samara, Russia. E-mail:, SPIN-code: 1828-7483

Kochetkov Yuri — associate Professor of the Department «Railway and railway facilities» of the Samara State Transport University. Samara, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-code: 3594-1153

Gallyamov Damir — teacher of the Department «Railway and railway facilities» of the Samara State Transport University. Samara, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-code: 3896-0667

Bakhtiyarov Emil — teacher of the Department «Railway and railway facilities» of the Samara State Transport University. Samara, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-code: 5265-6370

Abstract. In this article, the authors simulated the work of rail fastenings under lateral force in a finite-element environment. The results of the deviation of the rail head in the horizontal plane when exposed to the lateral force were obtained for the main types of fastenings used on domestic railways with the regulatory power of pressing the rail to the underrail supports. Determined the most preferred fastening in terms of lateral rigidity.



The solution to the problem of local track splashes removal


Keywords: local track splash, track superstructure materials, ballast cleaning machine, sub-ballast protective layer.

Markin Mihail — head of the department of railway track and track machinery of the Infrastructure Design Bureau — a branch of JSC «RZD». Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. The paper considers the existing methods of removal of local track splashes, identifying their main disadvantages. Analyzed the reduction of track superstructure materials consumption for various methods of elimination. Reviewed the national and foreign studies in the field of processes of local track splashes occurrence. Proposed the new technology and preliminary requirements for a track machine complex for local track splashes removing.



Refinement rail joint: problem solution options


Keywords: continuous welded rail track, rail joint, rail flaw, double-rib fishplate, gap at joint, bolt holes, rail performance reliability.

Vinogorov Nikolay — Ph.D., Leading researcher, Joint-stock company «Research Institute of railway transport» (JSC «VNIIZHT»). E-mail:

Klementyev Kirill — Senior researcher, Joint-stock company «Research Institute of railway transport» (JSC «VNIIZHT»). E-mail:

Abstract. The article deals with the problem of mass rails failure in joints by rail flaw code 53.1. Possible problem solutions obtained as a result of research are presented. There are made conclusions about possibility of different options for rail joint improvement.



Methodology for making a decision on the appointment of overhaul of the track on the stretch


Keywords: gamma is the percentage resource of the rails, tonnage production, residual resource of path elements, ultimate operating time, failure distribution function of path elements.

Derzhavin Alexey — Leading Engineer of the Non-Destructive Testing Department of the Directorate for Diagnostics and Monitoring of Infrastructure — a structural unit of the Central Directorate of Infrastructure — a branch of Russian Railways. Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Lysenko Nikolay — Ph.D., associate Professor of the Department of «Way and track facilities», Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Zamukhovskiy Alexander — Ph.D., associate Professor of the Department of «Way and track facilities», Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-code: 4211-6690

Abstract. The article deals with the problem of the appointment of overhaul of the track on the stretch, section. Overhaul is usually carried out by hauls, however, a section or a haul that is overdue for overhaul consists of kilometers that have different operating life. In such a situation, it is necessary to appoint a major overhaul on the entire stretch, provided that the maximum sampling of the residual resource of kilometers that make up this stretch is. The article provides a methodology for predicting and assessing the residual resource when assigning a major overhaul of a track on a stretch, section.



Effect of untreated surface of termite joints of rails on crack formation and growtn


Keywords: aluminothermical welding, railway rails, ultrasonic control, weld-fabricated joints of rails.

Nikolaev Sergei — Ph.D., is an associate professor, departments are «Methods and devices of non-destructive control» of the Petersburg university of ways of report. Saint-Petersburg, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. This article presents the results of the theoretical analysis of the prerequisites for the occurrence and growth of operational defects in the form of cracks in aluminum-thermite joints of rails.