Articles published in the issue 04, 2016
« Back 01.04.2016 09:45 Method of relaying of rails in short radius curvesKeywords: Аlmalyk mining and smelting works, rail, short radius curves, horizontal wear of rails, rail relaying, rail milling, resource-saving technology
Golinskiy Michail Viktorovich — head of the department, JSC «Almalyk Mining-Metallurgical Complex», e-mail: Ovchinnikov Aleksey Nikolaevich — Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineering, e-mail: Fazilova Zulfiya Telmanovna — Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, Moscow Institute of Railway Engineering, e-mail:
Annotation: The article contains data of experimental investigations of the rails relaying system in short radius curves on the industrial tracks of the JSC «Almalyk Mining-Metallurgical Complex». The analysis of results and conclusions are indicates in the end of the article. |