Articles published in the issue 03, 2021

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01.03.2021 00:00

Technologies for elimination of long subsidence of the railway track


Keywords: subsidence of a railway track, track works, alignment of subsidence, ballast, track survey station.

Chechelnitskiy Alexandr – Head of Department of Track and Facilities of Central Office of Infrastructure JSC «RZD». E-mail:

Abstract. The article describes the technology for eliminating long profile subsidence of the railway track. The article substantiates the relevance of solving the problem of eliminating long profile subsidence of the railway track for operation purposes. All stages of elimination of profile subsidence and bumps of the railway track are described in detail, including the determination of parameters and diagnostics of objects after taking measures to eliminate long profile subsidence, as well as an example of calculation.



Norms of the exit off materials of the upper structure of the way at dismantle of by relsoshpalna lattice


Keywords: norms of exit of materials the upper structure of way, dismantle and assembly of relsoshpalny lattice on the old suitable materials.

Pikalov Alexander — Ph.D., head of the Department of development and implementation of new projects of the Central Directorate for track repair JSC «RZD». Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Klementov Alexey — Ph.D., Deputy head of Department of HZPM PKB I — branch JSC «RZD». Khabarovsk, Russia. E-mail:

Zmeev Konstantin — head of the technological sectors of HZPM PKB I – branch JSC «RZD». Khabarovsk, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. Thequestions connected with are considered and analysed norms of exit of the suitable and unusable materials received at dismantle storogodny relsoshpalny lattice on ferroconcrete sleepers.



Reduction of places for temporary restoration of rails


Keywords: rail lashes of continuous welded track, temporary restoration of lashes after removal of a sharply defective spot, final restoration of a lash, aluminothermic, electrocontact welding, temperature regime of operation of lashes, restoration of temperature regime, place of temporary restoration of the whip (PTRW).

Vinogorov Nikolay — Ph.D., Leading Researcher, Joint-stock company «Research Institute of railway transport» (JSC «VNIIZHT»). E-mail:

Malyavin Denis — main specialist Joint-stock company «Research Institute of railway transport» (JSC «VNIIZHT»). E-mail:

Abstract. The article examines the dynamics of the accumulation of places for temporary restoration rail whip (PTRW) for almost the entire period of its operation on the railway network. At the same time, it was noted that from the moment of withdrawal from the standards for the continuous path of sections on the terms of elimination of PTRW, their active growth began. In recent years, despite the fact that the number of elimination of PTRW by aluminothermic welding has sharply increased, it has not been possible to stop the growth of PTRW.

Taking into account the negative impact of the PTRW on the dynamics of the path disorder, the large operating costs for the maintenance of the PTRW, only one conclusion follows – the development and implementation of more progressive technical solutions to eliminate these places. One of such solutions is the expansion of the temperature regime of the range of welding with the use of aluminothermic and electrocontact welding to -15 °С. Along with the indicated solution, the article considers the possibility of restoring the temperature regime of the lashes after welding.



Track preparation for higher-speed and high-speed railway traffic


Keywords: higher-speed and high-speed railway traffic, ride smoothness, passenger ride comfort, digital transformation, accelerometery, comfort zones, Unified Corporate Automated Infrastructure Management System, automation, scientific and technical development, high-precision positioning and timing services.

Grishan Aleksandr — Head of the higher-speed and high-speed rail traffic management service, RZD JSCo Central Infrastructure Directorate. Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. This article covers matters that were discussed at the roundtable «Railway track for high-speed traffic and high axle loads» as part of the XVI International Science and Technology Conference «Current Problems of Design, Construction and Operation of Railway Track» in memory of Prof. G.M. Shakhunyants.



The subgrade in the conditions of permafrost soils of the Northern latitudinal line


Keywords: subgrade, permafrost soils, settlements, design, snow deposits, anti-deformation measures.

Aspiz Evgenii — Dr.Sci., assisstant professor, the Head of the Department «Track and track facilities», Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. Е-mail: SPIN-код: 5412-7662.

Abstract. The article presents the experience of operating an subgrade located on permafrost soils in the conditions of arctic regions. The reasons for the deformation of embankments after construction, caused by the degradation of permafrost in these conditions, associated with increased snow deposits on the slopes, are shown. Anti-deformation measures for the operated and newly constructed roadbed are considered.



Analysis of experience in the operation of machine parks


Keywords: Railways, track machines, technical operation and repair, system approach.

Grinchar Nikolay — Dr.Sci., professor of the Department «Land transport and technological means» of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. The article discusses the prerequisites for the organization of a rational scheme of maintenance and repairs of track vehicles. It is shown that such a scheme can be implemented using a scientifically based system approach. The main stages of development of the operation scheme forming a hierarchical set are defined and presented.



Double roller rail capture


Keywords: jointless track, inventory rails, rail lashes, devices, roller grip, technology of work, movement of lashes.

Ergashev Ulugbek — junior researcher, post-graduate student, Scientific Center «Track Infrastructure and Wheel-Rail Interaction Issues», JSC «Research Institute of Railway Transport». Moscow, Russia.  E-mail:

Abstract. The article is devoted to the adaptations used in the replacement of inventory rails on the endless track. A new design of the device for replacing inventory rails on the endless track has been proposed. Advantages of the proposed construction are given.