Articles published in the issue 9, 2017
« Back 01.09.2017 11:11 Complex For Protection Of Bridges And Culvert Constructions From Large Drifting DebrisKeywords: culvert construction, bridge flights, the cross – shaped elements, large drifting debris, the designed computing complex SCAD, longitudinal force, transverse, bending moments. Anohin Aleksandr — Ph.D., Professor of the Department of «Hydrotechnical Engineering», Novocherkassk Engineering and Land Reclamation Institute of Don State Agrarian University. E-mail: Voronin Nikolaj — Ph.D., associate Professor of the Department «Logistics and Transportation management», Rostov State Transport University. E-mail: Zalavskij Vladimir — Engineer Joint Stock Company «Russian Railways». E-mail: Abstract. We examined the construction, which are designed to protect bridge flights and culvert system from the accumulation of large drifting debris, floating trees and their parts. We presented the study of construction with cross – shaped elements, using the designed computing complex SCAD. Having the constant parameters of influence on the construction the number of elements changed and the longitudinal force N, transverse Qz and Qy and bending moments Mz and My determined. We got the dependence, with the help of which, it is possible to identify the optimal number of elements in the construction, based on the condition of minimum value of force and moments, influencing on each element.
The research of subgrade operating conditions at approach to bridge abutmentKeywords: bridge transition zone; geogrid reinforcement; oscillation; vibratory displacement. Serebryakov Dmitry — Associate Professor, Department «Construction of Routes in a Transportation System», Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University. E-mail: Konon Anastasia — Associate Professor, Department «Construction of Routes in a Transportation System», Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University. E-mail: Ganchits Victor — scientific officer, Department «Construction of Routes in a Transportation System», Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University. E-mail: Abstract. There is an ongoing problem of interaction between bridges and rail tracks. Interaction zones suffer early failure because of sudden stiffness change. There are some ways to equalize uneven stiffness — geogrid and geopier reinforcement, cement treatment, using of concrete boxes filled with crushed stone, using ballast glue / bond and so on. The presented study is devoted to oscillation distribution in subgrade at bridge abutment approach. Occurring oscillation was described with vibratory displacement amplitudes. Test sites had versatile stiffness structures — geogrid reinforcement and concrete boxes filled with crushed stone.
Innovative Technology For Repair Of CulvertsKeywords: innovative technology, repair, culverts, intense water flow. Perminov Nicholas — Ph.D., Emperor Alexander I State Transport University, assistant professor. E-mail: Safonov Igory — deputy head of the permanent way, Russian Railways, Oktyabrskaya Railway. E-mail: Perminov Andrei — executive director, ООО «SATURN». E-mail: Abstract. The proposed innovative technology SATURN is suitable for the repair of all types of culverts on the Russian railways, especially for the repair and reconstruction of the pipes under the conditions of permanent intense watercourse, with unusual (non-typical) design solutions, as well as for pipes located in remote sections where it is difficult to arrange construction sites. The developed innovative repair technology has been successfully applied to the Oktyabrskaya Railway, or October Railway, for repair and reconstruction of stone and concrete culverts of long-term operation and pipes of various outlines of openings ranging in size from 1,5 to 4,2 m, including in the conditions of permanent watercourse, while a pipe is filled by flow up to 1,6 m of its section.
Deformation monitoring systems of the infrastructure of the HSM Moscow—KazanKeywords: HSM, monitoring, high-precision coordinate system. Bogomolova Natalia — associate Professor, department «Engineering geodesy», Emperor Alexander I St.Petersburg State Transport University. E-mail: Bryn Mikhail — head of the Department «Engineering geodesy», Emperor Alexander I St.Petersburg State Transport University. E-mail: Nikitchin Andrey — associate Professor, department «Engineering geodesy», Emperor Alexander I St.Petersburg State Transport University. E-mail: Shulman Darina — associate Professor, department «Research and design of railways», Emperor Alexander I St.Petersburg State Transport University. E-mail: Tolstov Evgeniy — fssociate Professor, department of Topogeodetic Support, Military Space Academy named after AF Mozhaisky. E-mail: Abstract. The article deals with the issues of the implementation of the geoinformation monitoring of the infrastructure of the Moscow—Kazan HSM, provides current information about the project, reviews modern methods and means of geodetic deformation measurements.
Longevity Geoecological Protective Material For Transport NfrastructureKeywords: geoecological protective material, transport infrastructure, ashes from burning of a deposit of sewage, deposit, ash foam concrete. Abu-Khasan Makhmud — D.Sci., Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University, professor. E-mail: Rusanova Catherine — Ph.D., Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University, assistant professor. E-mail: Abstract. In the article has been studied the ash foam concrete (ash foam concrete) made with use of ashes from the incineration of sewage sludge in different percentages. Ash foam concrete researches have been conducted after twelve years of using the building of the transport infrastructure. The physical and chemical stability of the material during time was shown, what determines its longevity. Conclusions were drawn about the use of ash foam concrete as longevity geoecological protective material for construction of transport objects. |