Articles published in the issue 8, 2019
« Back 01.08.2019 12:42 Suggestions for editing of rail defect classification
Keywords: rail defects, classification, crack, fracture, rolling stock derailment, warranty tonnage. Shur Evgeny — Ph.D. Sci., Professor, Chief Researcher of the Scientific Center «Rails, Welding, Transport Material Science» JSC «VNIIZhT». Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Borts Aleksey — Ph.D. Sci., Deputy Director, Scientific Center «Rails, Welding, Transport Material Science» JSC «VNIIZhT». Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Zagranichek Konstantin — Head of the Laboratory of Scientific Center «Rails, Welding, Transport Material Science» JSC «VNIIZhT». Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. The changes of the Instructions «Defects of rails. Classification, catalog and parameters of defective and high defective rails” in 2014 are presented. However some significant imperfections are remain. Analyzed all the data about the rolling stock derailments that have occurred due to the breaks of the rails over the past 10 years. It is proposed to divide the whole group of high defective rails (HDR) into two groups: high defective rails (HDR) and highly dangerous high defective rails (HDHDR), which can lead to rolling stock derailments. Some innovations that need to be introduced into the coding of rail defects are described. The updated rail defects classification draft has been submitted.
The interaction of rolling stock and track in areas of lowered welded joints
Keywords: welded joint, hardness, geometric parameters, interaction forces, rail, accelerations, displacement, pressure, subgrade. Kossov Valery — D.Sci., Professor, Director General of JSC «VNIKTI». Kolomna, Russia. E-mail: Krasnov Oleg — Ph.D., Head of Department of track and special rolling stock of JSC «VNIKTI». Kolomna, Russia. E-mail: Akashev Mikhail Gennadyevich — Development engineer of JSC «VNIKTI». Kolomna, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. The article presents results of experimental studies of levels of dynamic forces, vibration levels of rails and sleepers, vertical displacements of a track panel, stresses on the subgrade due to the interaction of rolling stock wheels with irregularities of welded joints. Dynamic parameters registered on the track section without defects at a distance of 6—8 m from the same trains have been taken as reference values. It is established that average values of vertical forces in the area of welded joints at a crushing depth of 1,8 mm have increased in relation to reference values by 22 %. Vibration levels on the rail foot have reached 32—40 m/s2, on sleepers – 19—21 m/s2 against reference values of 2,5—4,0 m/s2. Vertical displacements of a track panel in the area of joints have been 5,78 mm versus 2,47 mm in the reference area. The pressure average values on the subgrade have increased from 44 to 57 MPa.
Transitions zone after 1.1 billion tons of gross cargo
Keywords: ballastless track, tests, Experimental ring, intensity settlement railway track, variable stiffness, transition sections, rail track geometry, maintenance work, comparative assessment. Savin Alexander — D.Sci., Deputy General Director — Head of the Testing Center of the Research Institute of Railway Transport (JSC «VNIIZhT»). Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Tretyakov Kirill — Postgraduate Student, Research Institute of Railway Transport (JSC «VNIIZhT»). Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Petrov Alexander — Postgraduate Student, Research Institute of Railway Transport (JSC «VNIIZhT»). Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. On the Experimental ring of JSC VNIIZhT art. Shcherbinka in December 2018 completed comparative tests of four types of ballast-less structures of the LVT (RZhDstroy, Russia), FFB (Max Bögl, Germany), NBT (Alstom. France), EBS (Tines, Poland) paths. The tests were carried out in accordance with the program and methodology approved by Russian Railways. The missed tonnage in the experimental zone of the four structures amounted to 1.1 billion tons. gross. The article describes the design of the transition sections of variable stiffness from the ballast track to the ballastless track. Presents a comparison of the intensity of the settlement railway track in the transition areas of various designs.
The impact of vibration loads on railway buildings and structures
Keywords: vibration measurements, vibration velocity, accelerometer, acceleration, attenuation, seismic receiver, seismic scale. Volkov Viktor — senior researcher of the Institute of Physics of the Earth of the RAS. Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Vladov Mikhail — Dr.Sci. of physics and mathematics, professor, head of the Department of seismometry and geoacoustics of the geological faculty of Lomonosov Moscow state University. Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Kalinina Anna — Ph.D. (Physics and Mathematics), leading researcher of the Institute of Physics of the Earth of the RAS. Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Ammosov Sergei — Ph.D. (Physics and Mathematics), senior researcher of the Institute of Physics of the Earth of the RAS. Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Graminovskiy Nikolay — chief specialist AO «MOSGIPROTRANS». Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Kapustin Vladimir — Ph.D. (Physics and Mathematics), junior researcher, the Department of seismometers and geoacoustics of the geological faculty of MSU named after M. V. Lomonosov. Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Marchenkov Aleksey — Ph.D. (Physics and Mathematics), assistant professor of department of the physics of the Earth of the physical faculty of Lomonosov Moscow state University. Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. Assessment of the impact of moving rail transport on the surrounding areas, buildings and structures located on them, has a long history. The article discusses a number of approaches to vibration measurements and evaluation of the parameters of their propagation from rolling stock. The task becomes very urgent in connection with the projects of high-speed Railways in built-up areas. However, there is no consensus on at least two key issues. First, how to measure and which attributes of the records will be informative when assessing impact. Secondly, how to evaluate the results of measurements. It is obvious that in the rich experience of seismology it is impossible to find ready-made solutions. The type of impact from the rolling stock is significantly different from seismic effects from earthquakes. However, there are no other approaches, except seismological. This article discusses these issues with examples of specific measurements. |