Articles published in the issue 8, 2018
« Back 01.08.2018 16:01 About the first of five stages of the implementation of the continuous welded railKeywords: continuous welded rail, rail durability, track stability, linear resistance, fixing temperature. Novakovich Vasily — D.Sci, Professor, Rostov State Transport University (RSTU), Chair «Railway and track facilities». E-mail: Karpachevsky Gennady — Ph.D., Rostov State Transport University (RSTU), head of the department «Railway and track facilities», associated Professor. E-mail: Zalavsky Nikolai — Ph.D., Rostov State Transport University (RSTU), Chair «Railway and track facilities», associated Professor. E-mail: Zubkov Evgeny — Ph.D., Rostov State Transport University (RSTU), Chair «Railway and track facilities», associated Professor. E-mail: Abstract. The article summarizes the problem to be solved at the first stage of implementation of continuous welded rail on domestic railways. The main results of the research carried out at that time in VNIIZHT and railway universities of the USSR are described.
Study the areas of variable stiffness
Keywords: residual deformation, section of variable stiffness, path sediment, slope, elastic wave, deformation, elastic sediment, profile of a way. Loktev Alexey — D.Sci., Professor, head of the Department of «Transport construction», Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-code: 5766-6018. Fazilova Zulfia — Ph.D., associate Professor of the Department of «Transport construction», Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-code: 9817-6928. Baydosov Roman — the design engineer of 1-th category Saratovzheldorproekt. Saratov, Russia. E-mail: Zapolnova Evgenia — the postgraduate student of the Department of «Transport construction», Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. The article deals with the transition zone from the ballast sub-basement to the artificial structure with different types of superstructures, as well as sections of the ballast track. It is given the analysis of observations of the process of accumulation of residual deformations on the approaches to artificial structures.
Device of the path variable stiffness near bridges
Keywords: railway track, artificial constructions, bridge, transitional section, variable stiffness, stabilization of soils. Nepomnyaschikh Evgeny — Senior Teacher, Transbaikal Railway Institute, IrGUPS, Chita, Russia. E-mail: Konovalova Natalia — Cand. Sci. (Chem.), Associate Prof., Transbaikal Railway Institute, IrGUPS, Chita, Russia. E-mail: Letnickiy Evgeny — student, Transbaikal Railway Institute, IrGUPS, Chita, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. In article the problem of interface of bridges with ballastless designs of a railway track and approaches to them is considered. The most widespread structures of sites of the transitional rigidity are defined and it is offered the new, including application of a complex method stabilization of soils of the main platform of a subgrade and a ballast prism on the way to the bridge.
Comparison of the work of rubble-cleaning machines with one and two cutting devices
Keywords: crushed stone machine, cutting device, power, power consumption. Grinchar Nikolay — D.Sci., professor of the Department «Track, Construction Machines and Robotic Systems» of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT). E-mail: Chalova Margarita — Ph.D., associate prof., of the Department «Track, Construction Machines and Robotic Systems» of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT). E-mail: Fedasov Dmitry — lead designer of Track and track machines Department of Infrastructure design office of Russian Railways. E-mail: Abstract. The article presents a comparative assessment of the energy intensity of the process of cutting crushed stone with one or two excavating devices of rubble-cleaning machines. Theoretically justified the application in terms of energy consumption of a single cutting device.
Innovative technology of dismantling of the rail-grilleKeywords: overhaul, dismantling of rail grating, the production line, old materials. Pikalov Alexander — Ph.D., associate Professor, head of the technical Department of West Siberian Directorate for repair of roads, JSC RZD. Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail: Klementov Aleksey — Ph.D., associate Professor, KHPPM PKB AND, JSC RZD. Khabarovsk, Russia. E-mail: Kulikov Oleg — lecturer, graduate student of the Novosibirsk Technical School of Railway Transport, the structural division of the Siberian State Transport University. Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail: Rezanov Dmitry — engineer of the technical Department of West Siberian Directorate for repair of roads, JSC RZD. Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. In recent years, the network of Russian railways in the ICP has significantly increased the volume of the old-fashioned rail-grating on a reinforced concrete base, obtained from dismantling from the sites of modernization and major repairs of the track. The main ways for more than 10 years have been transferred to a reinforced concrete base, with the accumulation of rail grating at disassembly of the track. This raises the question of the expediency of the further use of the links of the rail grating at the sections of the capital repair of the 3-5 grade road. The trend of recent years shows an increase in capital repairs on old materials, while increasing the needs of the transferred rail grating one of the main issues is to ensure its quality, in which the balance holders are interested, in the person of distance paths. With the increase in the volume of repair of the rail grating, the question of mechanization and automation of this process comes to the fore. In this article, a description of the link repair facility PMS-216 st. Karasuk, the main advantages have been identified, a technical and economic comparison of two technological processes for dismantling the old-school RSP with reinforced concrete sleepers (on the template path and a new production line) on the production base of PMS-216 has been singled out.
Deformations of the road bed at Vorkuta distance
Keywords: road bed, permafrost, educational-scientific range, frost cracks, profile subsidence. Shapran Vladimir — chief of production and technical Department of the Vorkuta distance of a way, JSC RZD. Vorkuta, Russia. E-mail: Fazilova Zulfiya — Ph.D., associate Professor of the Department of «Transport Construction», Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Voscow, Russian. E-mail: SPIN-код: 9817-6928. Abstract. The article presents the results of the materials of the study of deforming sections of the roadbed on the Khanovei—Yun-Yaga distillery conducted by the staff of the Khanovei scientific landfill and the comparison of these materials with the data of the survey of the personnel of the Vorkuta track. The obtained results allow to predict the condition of the roadbed, to develop a set of measures for its stabilization. |