Articles published in the issue 7, 2018
« Back 01.07.2018 12:26 Resource-saving control technology of railway track by mobile diagnostics
Keywords: diagnostics, mobile diagnostics, maintenance, optimization and control. Mazov Yuri — Post-graduate student of the Department of «Transport construction», Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Shishkin Vladimir — veteran of railway transport. Sychev Vyacheslav — D. Sci., Professor of the Department of «Transport construction», Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:, SPIN-code 1070-7754. Abstract. Mobile controls originally created on the principle of ensuring safety of train movement and additions of the previous control devices. The article shows how based on the operation of mobile diagnostic tools combined into one complex, named Tandem-M, solves the problem of increasing the level of control way up to 3000 km per month.
Approaches to reduction of vibroacoustic effect of high-speed trains
Keywords: ballast mats, damping, structural noise, vibration. Butorina Marina — Ph.D., Senior Specialist, ZAO «Institute “Transecoproject”», St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: Ivanov Pavel — Ph.D., Chief Project Engineer, AO Institute Stroyproekt, St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: Petryaev Andrei — Ph.D., Senior Researcher, Emperor Alexander I State Transport University, St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. Increase of train speeds induces increased levels of vibration and structural noise in residential areas. The experimental sites were laid with different types of vibration isolation at the ballast base. It is shown that the polyurethane ballast mats are 1.9 times more effective than two layers of geocomposite and 1.5 times more effective than the porous rubber mats. Application of ballast mats significantly reduces vibration and noise in buildings near the railways.
Optimization of the geo-composite form for increasing transverse stability of ballasted railway track
Keywords: railway track, heavy traffic, ballast layer, type and shape of ballast material, polymeric binding materials, geocomposite. Kruglikov Alexandr — Ph.D., associate professor, Chair of Exploration, Design and Construction of Railroads Rostov State Transport University. E-mail:, SPIN-code: 2416-8708. Vasilchenko Andrey — Chair of Physics Graduate student Rostov State Transport University. E-mail:, SPIN-code: 3445-6262. Morozov Andrey — Ph.D., associate professor, Chair of Physics Rostov State Transport University. E-mail:, SPIN-code: 5542-4805. Yavna Viktor — Dr.Sci. of Physical-mathematical sciences, professor, chair head of Physics Rostov State Transport University. E-mail:, SPIN-code: 8681-4570. Kholodniy Zinoviy — Chief engineer, designer RT Polyplast, ltd. E-mail: Abstract. The work offers the technology of strengthening of the railway ballast layer by polymeric binding materials. It is based on the «homogenization» of ballast material by inorganic binders based on polyurethane. The transverse stability of the railway track is studied depending on the size and shape of the geocomposite proposed in the paper. The change in the lateral drag force of the ballast prism arm from the magnitude of the shear is considered for the defined schemes of concreting. The most effective scheme providing the greatest lateral stability of the railway track with its fixation by polymeric binding materials was determined.
Modern bridge constructions
Keywords: deck of bridge, metal bridges with ballast, orthotropic slab, seismic load, corrosion-resistant steel, Lengiprotransput. Zykov Dennis — Saint-Petersburg State Institute for design of engineering structures and industrial enterprises of track facilities and geological surveys of «Lengiprotransput» — branch «Roszheldorproect», Head of Engineering Structures Department. Saint-Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: Pismak Artem — Saint-Petersburg State Institute for design of engineering structures and industrial enterprises of track facilities and geological surveys of «Lengiprotransput» — branch «Roszheldorproect», leading engineer of Engineering Structures Department. Saint-Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-cod: 5386-084. Abstract. The article describes a project of metal bridges with open-web girders, spans from 33 to 110m and orthotropic slab of the carriageway. Orthotropic slab is provided for the device of the bridge with ballast. In this case, the constant loads on the superstructure significantly increases. It gives even greater values when taking into account seismics. All of the above brings significant changes in the basic structures and nodes of their connection, in contrast to standard solutions with the using of wooden sleepers or reinforced concrete slabs, which are laid on internal girders. A solution for cost savings during the operational period is also proposed. Instead of periodic repair of corrosion-resistant coating of ballast trough, it is proposed to use corrosion-resistant steel on surfaces in contact with ballast.
Development of compounds insulating sealants for the aluminothermic welding
Keywords: thermal insulation sealing paste, recycling silica-containing waste, the aluminothermic welding of rail joints. Maslennikova Lyudmila — D.Sci., Professor, Department «Engineering chemistry and natural science», Petersburg state transport University of Emperor Alexander I. St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail:, SPIN-code: 6606-0945. Naginsky Igor — post-graduate student, Department of Engineering chemistry and natural Sciences, St. Petersburg state University of railway engineering, Emperor Alexander I. St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail:, SPIN-code: 4936-7263. Alyona Vasilyeva — student of the St. Petersburg state University of railway Transport Alexander I. St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: Plastun Ekaterina — student of the St. Petersburg state University of railway Transport Alexander I. St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: Zubkova Tatyana — student, St. Petersburg state University of railway engineering of Emperor Alexander I. St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. The article considers the possibility of localization of production of sealing thermal insulating paste for aluminum-termite welding of joints of railway rails using local raw materials and silica-containing man-made waste in Russia. The specific requirements for thermal insulating sealing paste are specified. The optimal composition of sealing paste with modifying additives and the possibility of recycling silica-containing waste is proposed. Comparative physico-mechanical characteristics of samples of the paste of the developed composition with a test import of the sample.
The risks in the organization of spare parts supply for transport-technological machines
Keywords: maintenance, minor repairs, spare parts, risk. Grinchar Nikolay — senior lecturer, of the Department of «Economic informatics», Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. This article discusses some aspects of the operation of machines related to the emergence of risks when planning the supply of spare parts. It is shown that this process is associated with a stationary process character changes of the units in operation technical condition. At the same time, the dominant effect of denial is a machine’s delay in operating. |