Articles published in the issue 7, 2017

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01.07.2017 12:33

Change Of The Temperature Of The Railing Of The Railways Of The Flywheel Path In The Execution Of The Fighting Works


Keywords: continuous welded rail path, straightening work, rails, change in the fixing temperature.

Kravchenko Yurii — USURT, sinior lecturer of the departament «Path and railway construction». E-mail:

Sidorkin Dmitrii — USURT, engineer of the departament «Path and railway construction». E-mail:

Abstract. Modern methods of performing straightening operations on sections of a welded-on track do not take into account possible increases or decreases in the temperature of fastening of rail lashings, which directly affects the formation of potentially hazardous areas that negatively affect the overall safety of operation. The article proves the fact of the change in the temperature of fastening of rail beams of the weldless path and proposes a technique for taking into account the excessive compressive or tensile temperature stresses that arise as a result of the performance of this type of work.



Repair The Railroad Using The  Universal Railway-Construction Machine Kgt-4rs


Keywords: current railroad repair, splash, excavator.

Grinchar Nikolay — D.Sci., professor of the department «Railroad, construction machines and robotic systems» of Moscow State Transport University.

E-mail :

Danilin Vladimir — lecturer of the Kaluga division of Moscow training center of the professional qualifications, the structural unit of the Moscow Railway, a branch of OAO «RZD». E-mail:

Abstract. In this article the authors examine the possibility of effective use of the excavator-loader type KGT-4RS in the performance of work upon current repair of the way. In particular, discussed in detail the process of eliminating single splashes of the railway and associated works.



You Need To Forget About P75 Rails And Go From P65 To P58


Keywords: unshackled track, running weight of rail, weight of reinforced concrete sleepers, stability of track, strength of rail, strength of reinforced concrete sleepers.

Novakovich Vasily — D.Sci, Professor, Rostov State Transport University (RSTU), Chair «Railway and track facilities». E-mail:

Zalavsky Nikolai — Ph.D., Rostov State Transport University (RSTU), Chair «Railway and track facilities», associated Professor. E-mail:

Karpachevsky Gennady — Ph.D., Rostov State Transport University (RSTU), Chair «Railway and track facilities», associated Professor. E-mail:

Novakovich Marina — Ph.D., Rostov State Transport University (RSTU), Chair «The higher mathematics-2», associated Professor. E-mail:

Karmazina Lyudmila — Ph.D., Rostov State Transport University (RSTU), Chair «Metal Technology», associated Professor. E-mail:

Karpachevsky Vyacheslav — Ph.D., Rostov State Transport University (RSTU), Chair «Railway and track facilities», associated Professor, Head of laboratory. E-mail:

Abstract. In the article it is proposed to switch to R58 rails instead of P65, it is also proposed to facilitate the weight of the reinforced concrete sleepers. All this in order to improve, especially the conditions of stability, but the strength of the elements of the upper structure of the railway track is not impaired.