Articles published in the issue 6, 2017

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01.06.2017 00:00

Fast-Acting System Detecting Short Irregularities


Key words: rail defects, short irregularities, vibrations of the carriage body relative to the journal box, elec-trical capacity, bridge circuit, low frequency filter, path measurement, flaw detection.

Glazkov Mikhail — the head of the department, ZAO «PIK PROGRESS», the engineer of the National Re-search Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute). E-mail:

Rudykh Varvara — the engineer, ZAO «PIK PROGRESS». E-mail:

Shulga Igor — the senior technician, ZAO «PIK PROGRESS», the student of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute). E-mail:

Abstract. The paper describes the structure and the operating principle of the electronic system revealing short irregularities which allows one to detect short irregularities with high speed and resolution as well as to describe their parameters and forms. The laboratory and practical tests have demonstrated applicability and ef-ficiency of this measurement method.



Acceptance Nondestructive Ultrasonic Echo-Pulse Testing Of Rails Using UKR-64E


Keywords: rails, acceptance ultrasonic nondestructive testing.

Dymkin Gregory — D.Sci., Professor, Deputy director of the Research institute of bridges and nondestruc-tive testing. E-mail:

Kosobokov Dmitry — Ph.D., Associate Professor — Methods and Instruments for Non-Destructive Testing, Emperor Alexander I ST. Petersburg State Transport University. E-mail:

Shelukhin Alexey — researcher of the Research institute of bridges and nondestructive testing. E-mail:

Etingen Ilya — head of laboratory of the Research institute of bridges and nondestructive testing. E-mail:

Abstract. The paper describes construction and operation features of installation UKR-64E, which is used for acceptance ultrasonic nondestructive testing of rails by echo-method.



About The Linear Change Of End Sections Of Rail Lashes Seamless Way


Keywords: continuous welded rail path, rails, experimental plots, curing temperature, of the intermediate rail fasteners.

Kravchenko Yurii — chief project engineer of design Institute «Transpromproekt» USURT. E-mail:

Nekrasov Oleg — Road master of the Perm distance of a way (PCH-2) Sverdlovsk roads. E-mail:

Abstract. According to contemporary standards in design, installation, maintenance and repair of seamless way regardless of climatic and operational conditions are the end portions of the rail lashes, is subject to linear change. In the article the results of experimental studies examines and analyzes the work of end sections of rail lashes seamless way.



Bridge-Shell In A Modern Transport System


Keywords: transport systems, bridge, shell, cover, vehicles, bridge-shell.

Potapov Andrey — Ph.D., associate professor, Volga region branch of Moskow State University of Railway Engineering. E-mail:

Sychev Vyacheslav — D.Sci., professor of Moskow State University of Railway Engineering. E-mail:

Abstract. On the basis of the analysis of various transport systems creation of the new transport system called in article bridge-shell, representing the bearing flying structure consisting of a tubular cover which edges of the lower part form the carriageway of any vehicle is offered. The offered design allows to increase speed, to use advantages the movement in tunnels, to provide ecological environment protection, it is essential to lower costs of construction in comparison with standard arch bridges.



Heat Pumps For Heating Railway Works


Keywords: heat pump, source of low potential heat, conversion ratio, profitability.

Kovalenko Nadezhda — Candidate of Economic Science, docent, Moscow Automobile and Road Construc-tion State Technical University (MADI). E-mail:

Pirogov Eugene — Ph.D., associate professor of chair «Transport Engineering». E-mail:

Semenovih Basil — chief engineer of Central management heat-water supply-branch of Russian Railways. E-mail:

Abstract. Altrnative sources of heat supply are viewed in article ,which are separate founded on manufacture entities on the base oh heat pumps; also measure energetic and economic performances on given technical de-cision. Taking up sources of low potential heat concerning heat supply objects on production buildings.