Articles published in the issue 3, 2019

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01.03.2019 15:32

Stabilization of embankments on weak foundation


Keywords: subgrade, base, embankment, slope, contrbank, bearing capacity of foundation

Smolyanitsky Leonid — Ph.D., associate Professor Voronezh branch of Rostov State Transport University. Voronezh, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. As a result of intense precipitation and heavy snowmelt (especially in recent years) ob-served flooding of building structures, including road embankments, on weak grounds, which led to a decrease in the bearing capacity of the grounds with squeezing the soil from under the sole of the embankments. The most simple and reliable method for stabilization of embankments is overloading their base kontrbank. The paper proposes a simple and original method of calculation of contrbank operated deformable embankments, as well as methods for the design of new stable structures on weak grounds.



Algorithm of submission of notification on railway crossing


Keywords: railway crossing, traffic accident, safety of train traffic, algorithm of notification, dy-namics of train movement.

Vasiliev Anton — senior lecturer of the Department of «Transport automation and telemechanics (signaling)», Russian University of Transport» (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Grishina Lyubov — Ph.D., associate Professor of the Department of «Safety management in technosphere», Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Sokov Vladislav — student of the Department «Transport automation and telemechanics (signal-ing)», Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia.


Zolotov Vladimir — student of the Department «Transport automation and telemechanics (sig-naling)», Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. The article deals with the problem of accidents at railway crossings. The algorithm of formation of dynamic notification on railway relocations is offered. Variants of calculation of parameters of the notification for equally accelerated and equally slow trains are given.



Engineers-innovators training for jsc russian railways


Keywords: organization of educational work; the effectiveness of the training; basic Department; worker’s profession; ZHDSM machinist; author’s class; KASKOR system; student scientific so-ciety.

Abramov Andrei – D.Sci., Professor, Technologies of transport machine-building and exploita-tion of machines Department, Siberian Transport Universit. Novosibirsk, Russia.

Zadorin Gennady — Ph.D., associate Professor, Lifting and transport, track, construction and road machines Department, Novosibirsk Siberian Transport University. Novosibirsk, Russia.

Manakov Alexey — D.Sci., Professor, Technologies of transport machine-building and exploita-tion of machines Department, Siberian Transport University. Novosibirsk, Russia.

Maslov Nikolay — Ph.D., associate Professor, Lifting and transport, track, construction and road machines Department, Novosibirsk Siberian Transport University. Novosibirsk, Russia.

Abstract. In order to improve the efficiency of training specialists for the industry in accordance with the requirements of employers, as well as for exclusion the cost of additional training for students in the worker’s profession at the College after the distribution to work in the Directorate of JSC «RZD» at the «Transport and technological complexes management « faculty, a number of activities aimed at improving the training of students for independent practical engineering activities. This end-to-end course and diploma design on the topics agreed with the core Direc-torate, including the direction with the corresponding task for practice, training by specialists of enterprises at the base Department on important topics for further work, training in several work-ing professions within the bounds of basic education and the most exclusive and expensive train-ing – training of a limited contingent on the program of author’s class, as well as the organization of student scientific societies. The paper describes in detail the main activities. The results of in-creasing the efficiency of personnel training for Russian Railways in 2014-2018 are presented. The analysis of the results of the final test to the graduates of the faculty position (profession) «Engineer, land transport and technological means», hold in the distance learning system «KASKOR», JSC «Russian Railways». In the framework of the work performed under the grant of Russian Railways for the creation of electronic textbook and simulator «Laying crane UK-25/9-18» designed modules of the system training driver track-laying crane (sections of the elec-tronic textbook, including videos with audio, teaching notes, a Glossary, test tasks); modules of the simulator of track-laying crane (3D models of elements and of the crane; script game levels —simulator crane — technical specification for programmers).



General provisions of the technique of assessment of influence of the rolling stock on the way by criteria of durability and reliability


Keywords: the first limit state, the second limit state, stability, durability, reliability, deformation, tension, the intense deformed state

Pevzner Victor – D. Sci., Professor, Chief  Researcher Joint Stock Company «Railway Research Institute» (JSC «VNIIZHT»). E-mail:

Ashpiz Evgeniy – D. Sci., Professor, Russian University of transport (RUT (MIIT)). E-mail:

Zamuhovsky Aleksander – Ph.D, Professor, RUT (MIIT). E-mail:

Tretyakov Vasiliy – Ph.D., JSC «VNIIZHT». E-mail:

Petropavlovska Irina – Senior Researcher, JSC «VNIIZHT». E-mail:

Tretyakov Ivan – Researcher, JSC «VNIIZHT». E-mail:

Shapetko Kirill – Researcher, JSC «VNIIZHT». E-mail:

Smelyanska Irina – Leading Engineer, JSC «VNIIZHT». E-mail:

Gromova Tat’yana – Senior Researcher, JSC «VNIIZHT». E-mail:

Abstract. The developed «Technique of assessment of influence of the rolling stock on the way under the terms of ensuring reliability», is approved by the order of JSC «Russian Railways» N 2706r of 22.12.2017.

Calculations for a limit condition of the first group are necessary for prevention of loss of stabil-ity, fatigue failure, etc.

The purpose of purpose of criteria for assessment of calculations for a limit condition of the sec-ond group is determination of such forces, tension, movements and deformations at which, with-in the set term and service conditions, normal operation of objects is guaranteed.

Now for modern designs of a way and the existing parameters of a design of the rolling stock observance of requirements of durability of elements of the top structure of a way is a necessary, but not sufficient condition of ensuring reliable work of a way and have to be added with criteria of deformability for assessment of a way in parameters of the second limit state.

At the choice of criteria for evaluation of parameters of the intense deformed state it is necessary to consider parameters not only the first limit state - the criteria of durability and stability re-ceived by calculation or experimentally, but also parameters of the second limit state – criteria of durability.

Justification of need of revision of criteria of the Technique of assessment of influence of the rolling stock on the way under the terms of ensuring reliability approved by Ministry of Railways of Russia on June 16, 2000, N TsPT-52/14 is presented.

Development of criteria for evaluation of stability of a way and methods of assessment of stabil-ity is presented.

Assessment of impact of the rolling stock on the main platform of a road bed under the terms of ensuring reliability is presented.



About the fourth stage of implementation of continuous welded rail


Keywords: continuous welded rail, path stability, technical instructions, fixing temperature, an-chor sections, termite welding.

Novakovich Vasily — D.Sci, Professor, Rostov State Transport University (RSTU), Chair «Railway and track facilities». E-mail:

Karpachevsky Gennady — Ph.D., Rostov State Transport University (RSTU), head of the de-partment «Railway and track facilities», associated Professor. E-mail:

Zalavsky Nikolai — Ph.D., Rostov State Transport University (RSTU), Chair «Railway and track facilities», associated Professor. E-mail:

Zubkov Evgeny — Ph.D., Rostov State Transport University (RSTU), Chair «Railway and track facilities», associated Professor. E-mail:

Abstract. The article describes the implementation of the fourth stage of continuous welded rail on domestic railways, successes and failures noted.