Articles published in the issue 3, 2017

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01.03.2017 15:49

Subgrade Of High-Speed Railway Line Moscow—Kazan


Keywords: high-speed railway line, subgrade, embankment, excavation, load-bearing capacity of subgrade, slope stability, strength foundation subgrade, a deformation of subgrade, weak bases, drainage ditches, drains, engineering protection of the subgrade, slope protection, vibration protection subgrade.

Balabanov Gennadiy — Chief of Technical Department of JSC «Speed line». E-mail:

Kashkin Nikolay — Ph. D., Senior Technical Specialist of JSC «Speed line». E-mail:

Abstract. The article describes the subgrade, designed from the condition to ensure safe movement of high-speed rolling stock at speeds up to 400 km/h.

Designing subgrade performed for different speeds in conjunction with the design of the upper structure construction path, artificial constructions and engineering communications.

The project envisages the device two protective layers of subgrade throughout the high-speed railway line.

Considered in the article subgrade depending on geotechnical, environmental and other conditions will ensure the maximum accumulated residual deformation of the main site subgrade under ballastless track structure design for the entire service life of not more than 15 mm.

In the design provided the requirements for strength, stability and deformability of subgrade given vibrodynamic trains exposure.



Ffield Experience Of Installations Of Rails Eddy-Current Non-Destructive Testing On Russian Metallurgical Plants


Keywords: rails, acceptance eddy current non-destructive testing.

Dymkin Gregory — PhD, deputy director of the Research institute of bridges and nondestructive testing.


Shelukhin Alexey — researcher of the Research institute of bridges and nondestructive testing.


Etingen Ilja – head of laboratory of the Research institute of bridges and nondestructive testing.


Abstract. In the article is presented the general information about installations of rails eddy-current non-destructive testing, which are used on Russian metallurgical plants, as well as a short analysis of their field experience is presented.



The use of GNSS and GIS technologies at JSCo «RZD»


Keywords: technologies based on geoinformation system, global satellite navigation systems, automatic control systems.

Shcherbakov Vladimir — PhD, Siberian Transport University, docent, Head of the Department of Engineering geodesy.


Shcherbakov Ivan — Siberian Transport University, Lead Engineer. E-mail:

Zemerova Angelina — Siberian Transport University, PhD student. E-mail:

Abstract. The paper provides an analysis of the use of GNSS and GIS technologies to the network of JSCo «RZD». Two their application areas are considered: to repair infrastructure and operational work.