Articles published in the issue 2, 2019
« Back 01.02.2019 09:47 On the extension of overhaul life of rails
Keywords: between repairs, train schedule, rail failures, speed limit, small radius curves, differentially hardened rails, lateral wear of the rail head, contact-fatigue defects, grinding and lubrication of rails. Lisicyn Andrey — First deputy director of Infrastructure design office of Russian Railways. Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Abdurashitov Anatoly — Ph.D., head of the Department of rails PCB and JSC «Russian Railways». Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. Emphasizes the importance of improving service life of rails. Results of work of rails on a network of the railroads of JSC RZhD with the analysis of the reasons of failures of rails are given. The influence of reliability of rails on the performance of the train schedule under high load conditions is shown. The main directions of increasing the resource of rails depending on the operating conditions are considered.
Process control of unloading and stacking ballast in the way of the automated process control system for the maintenance of the railway track
Keywords: railway track, maintenance, ACS TP, hopper dosimeter VPM 770, mathematical models, forecasting, ballast, algorithm, remote control, dosing ballast. Sychev Petr — chief of depatment Vagonputmach Ltd., master’s degree in Land transport complexes Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. An automated system for controlling the process of unloading and stacking ballast in a way on the basis of the hopper dosimeter VPM-770 as an integral part of the automated system of technological processes of maintenance of the railway track is considered. The domestic and foreign experience of creating ACS TP by way of work, technical means ensuring their implementation is generalized. The possibility of using a hopper metering device VPM 770 is confirmed to provide automatic ballasting in the amount necessary for the operation of a track straightening and padding machine to remove splashes or preventative road alignments. The possibility of applying adaptive forecasting models on the basis of the simplest model of exponential smoothing is analyzed and many parametric models that take into account previous work volumes and increase the accuracy of the forecast of the possibility of appearance of path failures affecting the transportation process are proposed. An algorithm for calculating the volume of discharged ballast was developed, and technical solutions were proposed for improving the design of the hopper dispenser in the part of the covers of unloading hatches and the pneumatic system.
Improving the work of ballasting complexes
Keywords: Increasing the efficiency of crushed stone quarries, ballasting, ballasting complexes, ballasting of tracks. Soloviev Sergei — General Director, JSCo «RZD». E-mail: Kabanov Alexander — Ph.D., Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University. E-mail: Malyshev Konstantin — Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University, postgraduate student. E-mail: Vasilev Danil — Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University, postgraduate student. E-mail: Abstract: Creation of theoretically grounded methodology for calculating the parameters of the transport-reloading process and increasing the efficiency of crushed stone quarries on the basis of optimal support of the ballasting fronts. The work of crushed stone ballast quarries and complexes with application of methods of mathematical statistics and correlation analysis on the basis of calculations of technical and economic and organizational and technological indicators of ballasting complexes is investigated. Areas of effective interaction of ballast quarries and ballasting complexes are established. Increased profitability of supplies from crushed stone quarries to ensure fronts for ballasting; developed methodological recommendations for ballasting of tracks at railway stations and hauls and the introduction of standards for the October Railway.
Accessable snow-cleaning equipment to the universal excavator KGT-4RS
Keywords: combined excavator kgt-4rs, compact rotary snow-cleaning device, screw, ejection rotor. Grinchar Nikolay — D.Sci., professor of the department «Railroad, construction machines and robotic systems», Russian university of transport (RUT (MIIT)). Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Troshko Ilia — Ph.D., associate Professor of the Department of «Track, construction machines and robotic complexes», Russian university of transport (RUT (MIIT)). Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Chalova Margarita — Ph.D., associate professor of the department «Railroad, construction machines and robotic systems», Russian university of transport (RUT (MIIT)). Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. The article considers the possibility of using the KGT‑4RS backhoe loader for work on the upper structure of the railroad from snow in winter. The layout and basic parameters of the snow-removal device are determined and presented. Calculations are made according to the schemes and documentation for the backhoe loader presented in the article.
About new swith points for non-public roads.
Кeywords: pointless switch, unification, industrial raailway transport. Basovsky Dmitry — Ph.D., associate Professor of the Department of «Construction of road transport complex», Petersburg State Transport University of Emperor Alexander I. Saint-Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: Govorov Vadim — D.Sci., Professor of the Department of «Construction of road transport complex», Petersburg State Transport University of Emperor Alexander I. Saint-Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: Penshchikova Svetlana — graduate student, of the Department of «Railway stations and nodes», Petersburg State Transport University of Emperor Alexander I. Saint-Petersburg, Russia, E-mail: Abstract. In this article discusses the use for of new bezostryakovyh turnouts for heavy trains on non-public roads. Since the extremely low operating resources of the switches determine the service life of the shooters, it has been found a decision to consider the possibility of replacing the switch points with conversion rails of the full standard profile. The proposed calculation of the diagrams of the turnouts makes it possible to calculate the sizes of the switches in a single radius as well as in the composite curve. In order to improve the operational characteristics of turnouts, turnouts can be used with curvilinear elements interchangeable with existing ones. Noiseless turnouts nave a number of advantages, therefore now for the industrial transport there is a use of non-stop switches.
The control of a tension of high—strength bolts
Keywords: Frictional connections, method of monitoring of force of a tension of high-strength bolts on torsion moment, high-strength bolts with end cutting element, tangents stresses at deformation of torsion, method of monitoring of force of a tension of high-strength bolts on a cutting metal element, control mechanism with a cutting metal element. Kaptelin Sergey — Ph.D., the senior lecturer, chief laboratory of faculty «bridges» «Petersburg state university means communication of Emperor Alexander I» (PSUMC). E-mail: Abstract. Connections on high-strength bolts are widely applied at construction of carrying designs of high-altitude buildings and transport constructions, at manufacturing production of heavy mechanical engineering, in the aviation industry. However, the problem of increase of reliability of connections on high-strength bolts, search of new constructive and technological decisions of performance of frictional connections is far from the final decision. In work ways of the control of effort of a tension of high-strength bolts existing now are considered and the new way of the control of size of twisting moment is offered at the device of frictional connections. |