Articles published in the issue 2, 2018

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06.02.2018 00:00



Keywords: continuous welded rails, temperature-tensely condition, stability, assessment, diagnostics, pre-failure condition, URRAN, methods, probability of selection, ranking matrix, complex coefficient, criteria, dynamics of development, type of repair job, maintenance work.

Ershov Valentin — the Senior Specialist of INFOTRANS, D.Sci, senior lecturer, professor of the department «Rail and railway equipment» of Samara State Transport University. E-mail:

Atapin Vitaliy — Development Engineer of INFOTRANS, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer of the department «Rail and railway equipment» of Samara State Transport University.


Suslov Oleg — Director of «NC CPRK» «VNIIZHT», Ph.D. E-mail:

Abstract. This article presents the new paradigm of assessment of condition of continuous welded rails. The importance of rail traffic safety on  sections of continuous welded rails and constant monitoring of its temperature-tensely condition is described. The most crucial causes of breakdown of tolerable temperature-tensely condition of continuous welded rails are analized. The stage-by-stage approach of creation and development of methods of control and assessment of continuous welded rails condition is represented according to statistics which is received by diagnostic aids and this methods was realized in the programme KAPS BP URRAN. Assessment criteria of escape probability data point V2 and complex coefficient Kk is given. The main functions and tasks of the programme KAPS BP URRAN are described. Basic output forms, which provide visualization of the results of assessment in the programme KAPS BP URRAN are represented.





Keywords: subway, safety, track screws, butt bolts, rail fastening spring clips, heat treatment, fatigue strength, insulating joint, magnetization, induction welding of rails.

Fedin Vladimir — D.Sci., Professor, Head of the Center «Industrial Technologies» IUIT«Russian University of Transport» (RUT — MIIT). E-mail:

Zamukhovsky Alexander — Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department «Path and track economy», Нead of the laboratory RUT — MIIT. E-mail:

Grigorashvili Yuri — D.Sci., Professor, Director TINT LLC. E-mail:

Fimkin Alexander — Ph.D., Нead of the laboratory of the department «Construction mechanics» RUT — MIIT. E-mail:

Ronzhina Julia — Ph.D., Senior Researcher of the Department of Transport Materials Science JSCo «VNIIZhT». E-mail:

Abstract. The intensive operational maintenance of the Moscow Metro requires from the used superstructure components a path of high durability with unconditional provision of passenger transportation safety. In the work presented in the technical plan are various studies, which are united by one goal - improving the maintenance of the way. The technology of hardening of metalware by the method of volume-surface hardening used in the subway (screws, butt-end bolts, rail fastening spring clips) does not increase the cost of production, provides technical possibilities for increasing static and fatigue strength. Developed measures to improve the operational content of insulating rail joints provide the basis for the safe operation of the track. Experimental work on induction welding of rails is also aimed at increasing the safe operation of the track.



New technology for manufacturing reinforced concrete beams turnouts


Keywords: railroad switch, rail track width, reinforced concrete beams, aggregate-flow technology, the technology of «long stand», flat bars, elastic terminals.

Korolev Vadim — Ph.D., associate Professor of Russian Open Academy of Тransport Moscow State University of railway engineering of Emperor Nicholas II. E-mail:

Shishkina Irina — lecturer of Russian Open Academy of Transport Moscow State University of railway engineering of Emperor Nicholas II. E-mail:

Kuskov Vladislav — leading specialist of technical Department at JSC «БЭТ». E-mail:

Abstract. In the article the author considers the problem of stability of the track when operating switches under the train load, the cause of this phenomenon. Compares aggregate-flow technology of production of reinforced concrete bars for track switches and the technology is a «long stand». Describes a new construction of concrete Foundation for turnouts, namely reinforced concrete flat boards, which attach the rail elements to the pads is performed by means of elastic terminals. In the end, the conclusions about the application of new technologies manufacturing and designs concrete base for turnouts.





Keywords: infrastructure, technical equipment, stages of development, tests, documentation.

Glusberg Boris — Dr.Sci, Professor, head of laboratory «Turnout technologies» research Institute of railway transport (JSC «VNIIZHT»). E-mail:

Zverkova Nadezhda — engineer, teacher at the Moscow College of railway transport, Moscow state University PS (MIIT). E-mail:

Korolev Vadim — PhD, associate Professor of Russian Open Academy of Тransport Moscow State University of railway engineering of Emperor Nicholas II. E-mail:

Shishkina Irina — lecturer of Russian Open Academy of Transport Moscow State University of railway engineering of Emperor Nicholas II. E-mail:

Abstract. In the article the questions of the sequence of stages in the development of technical means of railway infrastructure and the types of technical documentation developed in the design phase.



Rail angle lying in the rail-track of the rails, its relationship with traffic safety and side wear


Keywords: traffic safety of railway transport, lateral wear of the rails, rail angle.

Pevzner Victor — D.Sci., Professor, Chief Researcher JSC «VNIIZhT». E-mail:

Potapov Andrey — Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department «Railway track, machines and equipment», Moscow State University of Railway Transport of Emperor Nicholay II, Russian Open Academy of Transport (MIIT ROAT). E-mail:

Belosvetova Olga — Cand. Sci. (Biol.), Leading Researcher, JVC «VNIIZhT». E-mail:

Abstract. The article describes the history of the structure of rail angle; the main factors that determine the tolerances on rail angle; describes a device that measures rail angle by manual measurements; found that wave-like change in the value of rail angle in the longitudinal direction in both straight and curve sections of the rail-track leads to increased lateral wear of rails



Bridge-tunnel of the northern width course


Keywords: bridge-tunnel, basic banks, mathematical model, the damping element, a pneumatic Jack, resistance, reinforcement, transport corridor, latitudinal corridor.

Potapov Andrey — Ph.D., associate Professor of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT). E-mail:

Sychev Vyacheslav — D.Sci, professor of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT). E-mail:

Loktev Alexey — doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, professor of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT). E-mail:

Abstract. Summary Justification of application bridge-tunnel in the conditions of permafrost, the boggy district and seismic regions is presented. The proposed constructive solution of the installation of the sheath tube mototunes of the damping elements and the mathematical modeling of process of interaction of rolling stock roadway mototunes. It is shown that, using as a support jacks, variable rigidity of the track varies depending on the noise parameters of the rolling stock and Jack and takes into account not only the oscillatory and wave processes including rolling stock, but also anisotropic properties, which are governed by supplementary reinforcement in elastic chambers of the Jack in the three main directions of anisotropy. This reduces construction costs compared to traditional construction methods, ensuring a relatively quick installation environmentally not affecting the environment mototunes on pneumatometer.