Articles published in the issue 12, 2019
« Back 01.12.2019 17:46 The solid subgrade to pass the cars with axial loads of 27 tf
Keywords: subgrade, solid subgrade, requirements, axial loads 27 tf, stress, deformibility. Aspiz Evgenyi — assisstant professor, the Head of the Department «Track and track facilities», Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. Е-mail: SPIN-code: 5412-7662. Vinogradov Valentin — professor, First Vice-Principal, Russian Unuversity of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. Е-mail: Abstract. The article includes the results of experimental and designed researches dealing with the rolling stock impact on the solid subgrade under the increase in the car axial loads up to 27 tf. The article studies the main requirements for the solid subgrade at bearing capacity, the development of deformations and heaving. The criteria for the assessment of train handling with the cars which have high axial loads are proposed.
Enhancement of subgrade’s bearing capacity in low water permeable (clay) soilsKeywords: low water permeable (clay) soils, coarse-grained drainage, tensions. Blazhko Ludmila — D.Sci., Professor of the Department «Railway track» of Petersburg State Transport University of Emperor Alexander I. Saint-Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: Shtykov Valerii — D.Sci., Professor of the Department «Water supply, drainage and hydraulics» of Petersburg State Transport University of Emperor Alexander I. Saint-Petersburg, Russia Chernyaev Evgenii — Ph.D., associate Professor of the Department «Railway track» of Petersburg State Transport University of Emperor Alexander I. Saint-Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. Today’s level of vibrodynamic loads performed by rolling stock should be compensated for new technical solutions in railway track construction, which ensure the minimum increase of permanent deformation during exploitation. The article presents the theoretically grounded solution for reduction of intensity of permanent deformation accumulation in low water permeable (clay) soils the bearing capacity of which is significantly changed during their excessive moisturising. The effective dewatering of such soils may be feasible when using «a coarse-grained drainage». The authors demonstrate constructions of «coarse-grained drainages» and requirements for their calculations.
Non-destructive testing on Estonian railwaysKeywords: railway flaw detection, non-destructive testing, ultrasonic flaw detector, wheel inspection systems, phased array antennas, combined flaw detector car, rail defects, specialist’s advanced training. Mosyagin Vladimir — Ph.D., Head of NDT Department, Radioavionica JSC. E-mail: Molotkov Sergey — Chief specialist of NDT Department Radioavionica JSC. E-mail: Zatolokin Denis — Deputy Head of NDT Department Radioavionica JSC. E-mail: Amvrosieva Anna — Ph.D., Lead specialist of commercial department Radioavionica JSC. E-mail: Larin Sergey — NDT Chief Specialist of Estonian Railway. E-mail: Voropai Valentina — Head of department of Estonian Railway. E-mail: Leonov Igor — Lead Engineer of Gulbensky Repair Plant, SIA «KATISS, Latvia. E-mail: Abstract. Until recently, single-line and single-channel, ultrasonic flaw detectors were used to control the rails of the Estonian Railway. Among them are equipment with wheel inspection systems and phased array antennas. In 2018, the main inspection equipment became a combined flaw detector car with diagnostic system AVICON-31. The article discusses the design, technology of working with this device and operating experience. There are necessary only three specialists during operation time of this equipment. |