Articles published in the issue 12, 2018
« Back 01.12.2018 16:24 Organization of rail lubrication on Russian Railways network
Keywords: rail track infrastructure, rail lubrication, stationary rail lubricators, mobile rail lubrication systems, innovations, failure-preventing repairs, lifecycle contract. Kurlovich Evheniy — 1st class engineer of track and infrastructure department of Central Infrastructure Directorate. Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Lisicyn Andrey — First deputy director of Infrastructure design office of Russian Railways. Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Starkov Aleksey — Chief of stationary rail lubricators performance analysis sector of Infrastructure design office of Russian Railways. Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Kozhanov Sergey — Ph.D., Chief Executive, Mashinostroitel Group (Saratov). E-mail: Abstract. The article discusses organization of rail lubrication on Russian Railways network using a number of innovative solutions that were implemented in recent years. Technical and economic calculations of reduced operational costs due to implemented innovations are shown in the article. Technical specifications of modernized SPR – type rail lubricators are also shown. The article introduces the concept of stationary lubricators maintenance on a lifecycle contract basis.
Stabilization of subgrade with the use of heat insulating disperse materials
Keywords: railway track, subgrade, cryotic soils, deicing soils, fill settlement, washouts and flows of side back slopes, frost rises, heat insulated disperse materials. Dydyshko Petr — D. Sci., Senior Researcher, Research Center «Track Infrastructure and Wheel-Rail Interaction». E-mail: Olkhina Svetlana — Researcher, Research Center «Track Infrastructure and Wheel-Rail Interaction». E-mail: Passek Vadim — D. Sci., Professor OOO «Laboratory of engineer thermophysics» (OOO «TsLIT»), Director General. E-mail: Mitin Andrey — Commercial Director ООО «ICMGlass». E-mail: Zolotov Yuriy — Candidate of sociological science, Director of Non-Profit Association «Arctic Fond of Perspective Projects and Researches». E-mail: Rusakov Nikolay — Ph. D., Director of OOO «Tip-IK-1». E-mail: Dashinimaev Zorigto — engeneer, Chita design and survey institute «Zabaikalzheldorproekt». E-mail: Abstract. The results of experimental research of methods of stabilization of subgrade with the use of heat insulating disperse materials are presented. For prevention and response to the deformations and defects of the subgrade under longstanding and seasonal earth frost the granulated heat insulating material “DiatomIK” is applied, as well as foam glass gravel. Low thermal conductivity of these materials provides conservation of earth frost both in the unstrained condition and derived with the use of the coolers (long thermosiphon). During seasonal earth frost, heat-insulated earth freezes to the shallower depths. As a result of such a heat regulation, settlement and wash-out of fill on the deicing of permafrost soil, as well as washouts, flows of side back slopes, subgrade, ditch cuts stop. Upon condition of reserving of frost susceptible clayey soils in deicing state there is no need in frequent adjustment of gauge during the year. The stabilization constructions imply the use of heat insulated disperse materials together with geogrids made of basalt fiber, nonwoven fabric, coolers, and geomats. Heat insulating materials stand natural and anthropogenic implications without damages and properties change.
Investigation of deformations of the roadbed during heavy traffic of trains
Keywords: deformation monitoring, roadbed, heavy traffic. Bryn Mikhail — head of the Department «Engineering geodesy», Emperor Alexander I St.Petersburg State Transport University. St.Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-code: 1699-2470. Bogomolova Natalia — associate Professor, department «Engineering geodesy», Emperor Alexander I St.Petersburg State Transport University. St.Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-code: 2522-0644. Afonin Dmitriy - associate Professor, department «Engineering geodesy», Emperor Alexander I St.Petersburg State Transport University. St.Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-code: 5437-1690. Nikitchin Andrey — associate Professor, department «Engineering geodesy», Emperor Alexander I St.Petersburg State Transport University. St.Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-code: 3959-7820. Romanov Andrey — associate Professor, department «Railway track», Emperor Alexander I St.Petersburg State Transport University. St.Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-code: 6385-3293. Abstract. The article presents the results of the research work of the specialists of PGUPS on observations of deformations of high railway embankments in the Sverdlovsk Railway under the influence of increased axial loads. The technique of work is described, the analysis of a condition of embankments is executed. |