Articles published in the issue 12, 2017
« Back 01.12.2017 11:46 Thermal stabilization of a railway earth bed of an inclined soil cooler
Keywords: Ground cooler, Thermostabilization, Permafrost soils, Railway roadbed, Temperature monitoring, Talik, Experiment, Restoration of frozen soils Abrosimov Alexander — Dr.Sci, general manager of the OOO «PROEKTSTROYSTABILIZATOR». E-mail: Snyatkov Anton — engineer of the OOO «PROEKTSTROYSTABILIZATOR». E-mail: Zaletaev Sergey — Dr.Sci, Chief Specialist of the FSUE «Tsnimash». E-mail: Beznos Nikolai — director of operations of the OOO «PROEKTSTROYSTABILIZATOR». E-mail: Abrosimov Alexander — Deputy General Director of the OOO «PROEKTSTROYSTABILIZATOR». E-mail: Abstract. One of the main conditions that is necessary for reliable working of the railway line, is creating a reliable basis. For these purposes, should be implemented the temperature control of railroad bed in areas where outspread the eternal frozen soil. The developed system, which include the equipment for cooling, temperature monitoring and analysis of extensive objects, containing temperature sensors, data collection and data processing on a PC aimed on improving the reliability of the base roadbed.
Loading Of Elastic Clips Of Rail Fastening Ars-4 In Sections Of Heavy Trains Movement
Keywords: elastic clips, anchor fastening ARS-4, a finite-element model, a stress-strain state, bench tests, operational loading, a safety factor. Kossov Valery — D.Sci., Professor, Director General of JSC «VNIKTI», Kolomna, Russia. E-mail: Bidulya Aleksandr — Ph.D., Deputy Director General of JSC «VNIKTI», Kolomna, Russia. E-mail: Krasnov Oleg — Ph.D., Head of Department of track and special rolling stock of JSC «VNIKTI», Kolomna, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. In the article results of theoretical, bench and field tests on loading of elastic clips of anchor fastening ARS-4 are provided. The design and experiments have proved that at this level of assembly and dynamic stresses recorded from acting of heavy train wheels the fatigue safety factor of elastic clips is sufficient for their reliable work. Fractures of elastic clips can occur because of a low-quality heat treatment and surface defects of a bar.
Landslide Hazard Assessment Of The Railway Tuapse—Adler
Keywords: landslide hazard, landslide activity, field observations, Sochi. Kazeev Andrey — Ph.D., senior researcher, Laboratory of soil science and soil mechanics, Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geosciences of RAS. E-mail: SPIN-код: 3785-9242 Postoev German — D.Sci., chief research scientist, Laboratory of soil science and soil mechanics, Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geosciences of RAS. E-mail: SPIN-код: 1879-4238 Ashpiz Evgeniy — D.Sci., Professor, head of the Department «Railway and railway facilities», RUT (MIIT). E-mail: SPIN-код: 5412-7662 Savin Andrey — Ph.D., associate Professor of the Department «Railway and railway facilities», RUT (MIIT). E-mail: SPIN-код: 8746-2431 Abstract. The assessment of landslide hazard and activity along the railway between Tuapse and Adler (Sochi, Russia) was made in collaboration of IEG RAS and MIIT in 2016. The considered railway (of total length 103 km) passes through the territory with active development of hazardous geological processes. High landslide activity and loss from their occurrence substantiate the need to investigate engineering geological conditions and reasons of landslide occurrence on considered territory in complex. It`s as well of high importance to elaborate protection and mitigation strategy from landslides due to minimize negative consequences of their development. The article contains the main items of the methodology for fulfilling probabilistic assessments of landslide activity and hazard on landslide sites. The characteristic of factors and classes of landslide slopes which adjacent to the railway Tuapse—Adler. The probabilistic values of landslide activity and hazard to railway traffic were calculated. The appropriate hazardous sections were determined, on which it is necessary to organize monitoring of landslide deformations and protection measures in first order.
The Use Of Oil-Contaminated Crushed Stone Screenings In Construction Ceramics
Keywords: oil-contaminated ballast gravel, ceramic bricks. Abu-Khasan Makhmud — D.Sci., Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University, professor. E-mail: Maslennikova Ludmila — D.Sci., Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University, professor. E-mail: Babak Natallia — D.Sci., Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University, professor. E-mail: Abstract. The article deals with the problem of disposing of oil-contaminated ballast screening, resulting in the repair and replacement of railroad tracks, in particular, the use of secondary aggregates. Secondary screening of crushed stone with grain size less than 5 mm contains up to 8% oil. The study of this fraction on phase and granules metric composition and physical and mechanical properties allowed the authors to recommend it as leaner for the construction of ceramics with improved performance characteristics. This solution gives the opportunity to improve the physic-mechanical properties of ceramic bricks and also save non-renewable resources, in the form of natural gas and sand, which has a positive impact on the environment. Thus, when using screening of ballast crushed stone in building ceramics production, reducing the amount of waste exempt land under landfills, and manufactured construction materials of improved quality. |