Articles published in the issue 11, 2020
« Back 01.11.2020 00:43 The impact of double heavy trains in braking modes on superstructure elementsKeywords: train of an increased weight and length; braking; longitudinal, vertical, lateral forces; sleepers; displacements; vibration; ballast. Kossov Valery — D.Sci., Professor, General Director JSC «Scientific-Research and Design-Technology Institute of Rolling Stock» (JSC «VNIKTI»). Kolomna, Russia. Е-mail:; Lunin Andrey — Ph.D., Deputy General Scientific Director, JSC «VNIKTI», Kolomna, Russia. Е-mail: Krasnov Oleg — Ph.D., Head of the Department of Track and Special Rolling Stock JSC «VNIKTI», Kolomna, Russia. Е-mail:; Akashev Mikhail — Leading Engineer of the Department of Track and Special Rolling Stock, JSC «VNIKTI». Kolomna, Russia. Е-mail: Abstract. The article provides results of studies of the impact of a double train weighing 14200 tons on the superstructure in the mode of an asynchronous emergency braking. It is established that braking of a train of an increased weight and length leads to developing a longitudinal force of up to 1500—1600 kN. This determines the increase of lateral and vertical forces acting from rolling stock wheels to rails. This impact is especially significant from wheels of a driven locomotive placed in the middle part of a train when a maximum longitudinal force develops on automatic couplings. In this case, there develop vertical forces of up to 190 kN, lateral forces of up to 142 kN on wheels of one of bogies, and stresses at rail edges up to 154 MPa. In this case, there is a displacement of sleeper ends in the longitudinal and transverse directions, an increase of vibrations in the ballast bed and in the track formation by 3–4 times. It is concluded that in sections of braking of freight trains, superstructure elements are subjected to an increased force impact, which requires the development of measures for a stable operation of these track sections.
Features of snowfall accounting on railways and roads in the Arctic
Keywords: roadbed, the tundra of the Arctic, sagopilone, snow fencing, permafrost, thermal effect on VMG. Passek Vadim — D.Sci., Professor, Director General OOO «CLIT». Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Seleznev Alexey — engineer, Director General Institute «Giprotransproekt». St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. Huge space in the Arctic is tundra, which is characterized by strong snehapanam reaching 400—1500 m3/m. a Strong sagopilone takes place in other regions, so for centuries was developed for the protection of roads from negativity. The main problem was reduced to a drift of ways when the movement on roads was extremely difficult, and often simply stopped. The tundra is located in the permafrost zone, which fundamentally changes the attitude to snow transport. There is also a mechanical thermal component. The article deals with new directions of snow protection design, taking into account the thermal component.
Systems for ensuring trouble-free operation of switches in winter
Keywords: switchboard, snow, heat distribution, mathematical modeling, engineering snow science. Korolev Vadim — Ph.D, associate Professor of Department «Transport construction» of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Shishkina Irina — Ph.D, associate Professor of Department «Transport construction» of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Koloskov Dmitry — magister, the General Director of open company «SITEK». Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. The article analyzes the distribution of systems to ensure reliable operation of switches in winter conditions. The map of distribution of types of systems for clearing switches from snow and ice by regions of the country is constructed. The results of calculation on the distribution of heat from fuel elements for the purpose of their rational location in the heating zone are presented. Citation: Korolev V.V., Shishkina I.V., Koloskov D.S. Systems for ensuring trouble-free operation of switches in winter // Railway Track and Track Facilities. 2020. № 11. PP. 13—16. (In Russian)
About adjustment of the spheres of application of rails of various categories
Keywords: rail resourse, rail applications, operational factors. Vasileva Svetlana – leading engineer of the regulatory and methodological Department of road and structures management of the Central infrastructure Directorate JSC «Russian Railways». E-mail: Borts Alexey – Ph.D., deputy Director of the scientific center «Rails, welding, transport materials science» JSC «VNIIZHT». E-mail: Abstract. The article provides analytical data confirming the influence of operational factors on the damage and resource of rails, on the basis of which the authors draw conclusions about the need to assess the operational characteristics and resource of rails of various categories manufactured by manufacturers in accordance with GOST R 51685-2013 and various specifications with a prospective increase in axial loads and an increase in cargo intensity, and on its basis to determine the effective areas of application of rails, allowing ie minimize the cost of expenses for their content and maximize turnaround time railroad track. The article identifies the main areas of scientific research to solve the problem in terms of a reasonable definition of the areas of effective and rational use of rails of various categories, taking into account the classification and specialization of railways. The scientific novelty of the work lies in a comprehensive approach to determining the patterns and correlation dependences of the action of various operating factors on the probability of a break and the resource of rails of various categories, including the assessment and modeling of the synergistic effect of the multiplicative effect, which takes place in areas with the most difficult operating conditions.
About problems of a jointless track at temperatures of rails below the temperature of fastening of lashes
Keywords: jointless track, rail temperature below the fixing temperature, gaps in joints, end sections, linear resistanc. Mironenko Eugene – Postgraduate student of the department «Railway track and track facilities» of the Rostov State University of Railway Transport. Е-mail: Zalavsky Vladimir – Postgraduate student of the department «Railway track and track facilities» of the Rostov State University of Railway Transport. Е-mail: Khadukaev Nurgali – Postgraduate student of the department «Railway track and track facilities» of the Rostov State University of Railway Transport. Е-mail: Zhuravleva Tatyana – Postgraduate student of the department «Railway track and track facilities» of the Rostov State University of Railway Transport. Е-mail: Korzhakova Anna – Postgraduate student of the department «Railway track and track facilities» of the Rostov State University of Railway Transport. Е-mail: Abstract. The article deals with the problematic issues that arise during the operation of a joint-free track during the temperature of the rails below the temperature of their fixing; the ways to solve the problems are proposed.
Improving the performance of track machines for straightening the path
Keywords: way, accuracy, performance. Sadyrin Yegor — graduate student, department of «Way and track facilities», Irkutsk State Transport University. Irkutsk, Russia. E-mail: Pokaski Vladimir — docent, professor, department of «Way and track facilities», Samara State Transport University. Samara, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-code: 1323-8872. AuthorID: 411289. Kovenkin Dmitriy — docent, head of department, department of «Way and track facilities», Irkutsk State Transport University. Irkutsk, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-code: 6005-4179. AuthorID: 520202. Titov Konstantin — docent, department of «Construction of railways, bridges and tunnels». Irkutsk State Transport University. Irkutsk, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-code: 9434-392. AuthorID: 792364. Abstract. The article presents an analysis of problems related to repair of railway track and railroads switchs. In particular, the shortcomings affecting the quality of alignment of the way and setting the way in the design position are discussed. To improve the quality of track alignment, as well as the performance of track machines, it is proposed to use a high-precision automated system «VPI-Navigator» on all ways complexes. The use of this system will increase the productivity of ways machines per hour «repair», as well as the quality of work at optimal economic costs.
Ensuring the thermal mode of hydraulic drive of track and road vehicles
Keywords: hydraulic drive, hydraulic fluid, thermal mode, mobile technological complexes, operating conditions. Pirogov Evgueni — Ph.D., associate Professor of the Department of «Transport construction», Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russian. E-mail: Abstract. The article describes the main features of the functioning of hydroficated mobile technological complexes at ambient temperatures other than the recommended values. Ensuring the necessary operating conditions for the hydraulic actuator is achieved by separate installation of devices for both preheating the hydraulic fluid and cooling during operation, and maintaining the thermal regime of hydraulic units. Various technical devices for solving thermal stabilization problems are given. |