Articles published in the issue 11, 2019
« Back 01.11.2019 08:55 Track stability increase via ballast grouting
Keywords: railway track, ballast prism shoulder, polymer binding substance, geocomposite, GPR, modulus of elasticity, shear resistance. Kruglikov Alexandr — Ph.D., associate professor, Chair of Exploration, Design and Construction of Railroads Rostov State Transport University. E-mail: SPIN-code: 2416-8708. Vasilchenko Andrey — Chair of Physics Graduate student Rostov State Transport University. E-mail: SPIN-code: 3445-6262. Ermolov Yakov — Assistant, Chair of Exploration, Design and Construction of Railroads Rostov State Transport University. E-mail: SPIN-code: 7163-1060. Yavna Viktor — D.Sci. of Physical-mathematical sciences, professor, chair head of Physics Rostov State Transport University. E-mail: SPIN-code: 8681-4570. Abstract. Alteration of horizontal stability of assembled rails and sleepers of railway track on ballast basement depending on the degree of ballast consolidation by two-component binder RT–KS–001 on the basis of polyurethane is studied in the paper. The studies have been carried out on the current section of railway track. After achieving the full strength of the formed geocomposite, the modulus of structure elasticity is measured. It’s shown that ballast strengthening by binding material increases the elasticity modulus approximately 4 times. It enables to make sections with different rigidity, both in the process of construction and in the process of railway track current maintenance. Lateral shear resistance of the unloaded sleeper is measured in static mode depending on the flow rate of binding material. It is found that securing of the ballast section shoulder leads to an increase in the static lateral resistance to sleeper shear of when lateral load is applied up to 2,7 times. It is shown that in case of applying concreting technology for fixing long railway track sections, flow control of binder material and thickness of the forming geocomposite can be performed by means of GPR.
The studies of the bridge dynamics
Keywords: bridge, numerical simulation, dynamic tests, modal analysis. Lang Andrey — Postgraduate student, Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University. S-Petersburg, Russia. E-mail:, SPIN-code: 9227-1978. Labutin Nikita — Postgraduate student, Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University. S-Petersburg, Russia. E-mail:, SPIN-code: 3701-3713. Diachenko Leonid — Ph.D., Associated Professor. Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University. S-Petersburg, Russia. E-mail:, SPIN-code: 6925-2658. Abstract. In this paper was described comparative research of railway bridge dynamic characteristics based on natural and numerical experiments. The goal of this research is studying dynamics of steel truss bridge spans under railway live loads. Main task is verification and comparative analysis of the numerical experiment results based on FE-model and results of natural experiments by defining of bridge dynamic characteristics. Methods of the research are natural experiment and numerical modelling. Analysis by numerical modelling shows high convergence with data of natural experiment, high effectiveness and it is perspective method for assessing of bridge structures actual technical condition.
Geoantiseptic properties of the bed containing special mineral components
Keywords: biological pollution, crushed stone, railway embankment, total microbic number. Shershneva Maria — D.Sci., professor, Alexander I State Transport University. Saint-Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: Nicolskaya Margarita — Graduate student, Alexander I State Transport University. Saint-Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. In article the problem of pollution of railway thoroughfares is considered by biological pollution. Researches of antiseptic properties of hloritsoderzhashchy crushed stone are given. The possibility of its use in railroad tracks is shown. The crushed stone share providing antiseptic properties of a bed is defined.
Routing of Railways using GIS
Keywords: geographic information systems, geospatial information, remote sensing materials, tracing, digital maps, digital three - dimensional models, elliptical curves, hardware and software complex. Andreeva Olga — Deputy Director General for Finance JSC «Transputstroy». Russia, Moscow. E-mail: Konon Nikolay — D.Sci., Director General LLC SPA «PRV system». Russia, Noginsk. E-mail: Abstract. In the work on the basis of research of existing methods of tracing it is offered to use geoinformation technologies and materials of remote sensing of the earth by results of processing of materials of space survey for performance of cameral tracing. Using the spatial image of the terrain on three-dimensional models, you can map the position of the main points of the route, split the picketage, curves, diameters and determine the level of all points of the route by three-dimensional leveling. In addition, it is shown that the use of clotoid curves in some cases is more effective in the design of turns. This will significantly improve the safety of railway traffic, especially at turns.
Application of geodynamic digital model railway track
Keyword: Railway, digital model of the way the railway track surveying, modeling, safety, reliability, certification of Railways, geo-information, prevention of risks, control, way, KSPD IJT. Legkiy Vasiliy — Senior lecturer at the Department of Geodesy, Geoinformatics and navigation at the Russian University of Transport (RUT (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:, SPIN-code: 4492-8920. Abstract. The algorithm of the account of geodynamic phenomena at creation and operation of digital models of railway tracks is developed and investigated. The algorithm has been tested on a specific section of the railway track. As a result of the application of the algorithm, the average spatial position of the path axis is reduced by 4.1 %. A geodynamic polygon with the prospect of creating a digital model of railway tracks was identified and studied. As a result of calculations in the plan and in the profile, the mean square error between the neighboring geodetic points created to provide the IRT CPD will exceed the allowable after 10 years.
Rail diagnostic on Israel railways
Keywords: rail diagnostic, non-destructive testing, ultrasonic flaw detector, combined flaw detector carriage, rail flaws, testing railway section, flaws models, training of operators. Molotkov Sergey — main specialist on defectoscopy, JSC «Radioavionica». St. Peterburg, Russia. E-mail: Pohorukov Sergey — leading engineer, JSC «Radioavionica». St. Peterburg, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. The article is devoted to formation and today’s condition of rail nondestructive testing in Israel. In this year modern flaw detectors Avicon-31 and Avicon-15 added to available means of diagnostic. An introduction experience of new devices is described with regard to the training of operators and the detect ability of flaws models in testing railway section. The features of Israel Railways and technologies of their testing are given. |