Articles published in the issue 10, 2020

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01.10.2020 00:00

Welded track increased reliability


Keywords: welded track; operational, climatic conditions; dynamics of rail weight change; intermediate rail fastenings; under-rail base.

Chechelnickiy Aleksandr — OJSC Russian Railways, Central Directorate of Infrastructure, Head of the Track and Structures Department. E-mail: ChechelnickiyAI@center.rzd

Vinogorov Nikolay – Ph.D., Leading Researcher, Joint-stock company «Research Institute of railway transport» (JSC «VNIIZHT»). E-mail:

Аbstract. The article provides a brief analysis of changes in the design of a continuous welded track caused by changes in the operational and climatic conditions of its operation. The latter is connected, first of all, with the expansion of the range of its operation in the regions of Siberia and the Far East, where at the same time there was an intensive growth in traffic volumes. At the same time, the dynamics of changes in the weight characteristics of rails and associated with an increase in their weight changes in the structures of butt joints, increased requirements for the design of intermediate rail fasteners, a sub-rail base are considered.



About the rail resource and its limit state


Keyword: limit state, resource, rail, crack, defect, finite element model, prediction.

Abdurashitov Anatoly — Ph.D., Head of department of PKB I — branch of JSC «Russian Railways». Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. The analysis of research on the limit state and resource of rails is given. The main causes and mechanism of development of cracks in the rails. Data on models of crack development by code 21.1, 21.2, 53.1, 69 based on the construction of a finite element model of the rail are presented and the possibility of predicting further crack development is estimated.



Rail profile changes in the welded joint area


Keywords: welded joint, rail head, strain, crushing, wear, rate, hardness, running band, passed load, transverse and longitudinal profile.

Bogdanov Oleg — Ph.D., Leading Engineer of Track and Special Rolling Stock Department of JSC VNIKTI. Kolomna, Russia. E-mail:

Akashev Mikhail — Leading Engineer of Track and Special Rolling Stock Department of JSC VNIKTI. Kolomna, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. The article provides results of experimental studies for evaluating to evaluate rail profile changes in the welded joint area of rails during operation. It is established that the vertical strain of the joint consists of 37,5 % wear and 62,5 % crushing. Theoretical dependences of the rate of the vertical crushing and wear in the joint due to passed tonnage are obtained. Similar dependencies are defined for the lateral strain of the joint.



About methods of control over stability of a jointless tracks


Keywords: jointless tracks, the resistance path, the control stability, the method of calculating the stability conditions.

Novakovich Vasily — D.Sci., Full professor, Rostov state transport University (RSTU), Department of «Track and track facilities». E-mail:

Karpachevsky Gennady — Ph.D., Associate professor, chief of the Department «Track and track facilities», Rostov state transport University (RSTU). E-mail:

Zalavsky Nikolay — Ph.D., Associate professor, Department of «Track and track facilities», Rostov state transport University (RSTU). E-mail:

Zubkov Eugene — Ph.D., Associate professor, Department of «Track and track facilities», Rostov state transport University (RSTU). E-mail:

Abstract. Тhe article briefly describes the method used to control the stability of the jointless tracks, notes its shortcomings, and offers suggestions for its improvement.



Work of rail bars in places of temporary recovery


Keywords: continuous welded rail, places of temporary restoration of rail bar, longitudinal forces, rail deformations, risk of temperature release, risk of temperature release and rail bar integrity.

Karpuschenko Nikolay — D.Sci., Professor of the Department of «Track and Track Facilities», Siberian State Transport University. Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-code: 4396-4695.

Abstract. At present, there are 200 thousand places on rail lanes not restored by welding on the road network of Russian Railways. In this regard, the need arose to study the stress-strain state of rail lashes in places of their temporary recovery under the influence of the brake load of trains and temperature changes.

For this purpose, equations of longitudinal vibrations of rail lashes were compiled and solved taking into account the continuity of deformation and elastic resistance of the base along the length of the train in braking mode.

The risk of thermal emission of a welded jointless path in front of an electric locomotive is estimated by comparing the longitudinal compressive forces from increasing temperature and the effect of train brake load. In this regard, measures are recommended to increase the transverse stability of the path.

To prevent violation of the integrity of rail lashes in places of their temporary recovery, the values of the stresses of the butt bolts and the linear resistance to longitudinal deformations at the nodes of rail fasteners are determined.



Results of metal endurance tests of bridge spans that have been in operation


Keywords: railway bridges, metal, spans structures, endurance, durability, tests, samples, concentration, stress, regression.

Kondratov Valery — Ph.D., Head of Department of tests of bridges and structures Joint-stock company «Bridge research Institute». St.Peterburg, Russia. E-mail:

Olekov Vyacheslav — Ph.D., leading researcher Joint-stock company «Bridge research Institute». St.Peterburg, Russia. E-mail:

Rumyantsev Yevgeny — chief mechanic Joint-stock company «Bridge research Institute». St.Peterburg, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. The article presents the results of endurance tests of steel samples cut from elements of span structures that have been in operation for more than 70 years.

Studies have shown that the mechanical characteristics of the base metal spans practically do not change over 80—100 years of operation.

The results of endurance tests showed that the linear hypothesis of fatigue damage accumulation in the elements of the operated superstructures at a stress level below the endurance limit of the connection in question can not be used to assess the durability and residual life of steel bridge structure.



Determination of the load capacity of metal span structures of combined bridges


Keywords: combined bridges, carrying capacity, classification method, conditions for the simultaneous passage of rail and road loads.

Usoltsev Andrey — Head of the Department, Siberian Research Institute of Bridges, Siberian State University of Railway Engineering. Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail:, SPIN-code: 6167-6140.

Popova Ekaterina — Senior Researcher, Siberian Research Institute of Bridges, Siberian State University of Railway Engineering. Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail:

Malikov Mikhail — engineer of the Siberian Research Institute of Bridges, Siberian State University of Railway Engineering. Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. In connection with increasing mobile loads (both railway and automobile), the issue of determining the actual carrying capacity of superstructures of combined bridges, on which, along with the railway load, and automobile load is passed, and in determining the modes of passage of the operational load on them, becomes relevant.

The traditional classification method, with little adaptation, allows us to estimate the carrying capacity of superstructures of combined bridges and to calculate the conditions for the simultaneous passage of actually circulating rail and road loads over them.



New GOST about non-destructive testing of rails in operating conditions


Keywords: rails, non-destructive testing, normative documents.


Dymkin Gregory — D.Sci., Professor, Deputy General Director, JSC «NII mostov». St. Petersburg, Russia. Е-mail:

Rukavchuk Yulia — Scientific Research Staff, JSC «NII mostov». St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail:

Etingen Ilya — Head of the Laboratory, JSC «NII mostov». St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. Basic statements of a new GOST 34524—2019 «Railway rails. Non-destructive testing in operating conditions. General requirements» are reviewed.



Improving the efficiency of track machines


Keywords: track equipment, technical diagnostics, diagnostic parameters, technical expertise, technical audit, technical condition monitoring.

Abramov Andrei — Ph.D., Vice-Rector for Scientific Work, Siberian transport university. Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-code: 2062-0164.

Kochergin Victor — Ph.D., Head of the Department «Technology of Transport Engineering and Operation of Machines», Siberian transport university. Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-code: 2949-7253.

Kolarzh Sergey — Senior Teacher of the Department «Technology of Transport Engineering and Operation of Machines», Siberian transport university. Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-code: 2194-1402.

Abstract. Proposals to ensure quality control of repair of track equipment are presented in the work. The following tools have been considered as proposed basic elements of control in the work: organization of technical audit; organization of independent examination of the quality of repair works performed; remote monitoring of technical condition of machines; transition to the system of maintenance and repair according to the actual state on the basis of creation of digital diagnostic cards filled in before repair and immediately after its execution, and selection of optimal diagnostic parameters. Description is given of remote system for monitoring technical condition of track machines installed on Duomatic machine.