Articles published in the issue 01, 2021

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29.12.2020 13:40

Unified Corporate Automated Infrastructure Management System — Ride Comfort (UC AIMS-RC) as a Tool for Improving the Ride Comfort of Trains


Keywords: express and high-speed train operation, ride comfort, passenger comfort, digitalization, accelerometry, comfort zones, ride comfort maintenance, work planning, UC AIMS development, automation.

Grishan Aleksandr — Express and High-Speed Train Operation Manager, Central Infrastructure Directorate, JSC Russian Railways. Moscow, Russia. E‑mail:

Abstract. The article describes the development concept of a new subsystem that helps keep track of locations where train riding comfort is compromised. The subsystem will be used for planning, performance and inspection of track work intended to address track maintenance deviations.



Development of automated system of production asset management


Keywords: technology of asset management, Central Directorate for track repair (CDTR), business process, digitalization.

Tukmakova Oxana — leading technologist Centre for Efficiency Far Eastern railway JSC «RZD». Khabarovsk, Russia. E-mail:

Pikalov Alexand — Ph.D., chief of department for the development and implementation of new projects Central Directorate for track repair JSC «RZD». Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. This article provides a descriptive part of the technology of managing production assets of the Central Directorate for Track Repair, a subsidiary of Join Stock Company «Russian Railways» (JSCo «RZD») and its structural units. The design of the Central Directorate’s asset management technology for track repair has been carried out within the framework of the digitization of business processes in accordance with the regulations of the Internal Exchange System of the JSCo «RZD», approved by the JSCo «RZD» Order from March 29, 2013 No. 764, the permanent working group on the development of the Automated System for the Management of Production Assets of the Central Directorate for Track Repair - a branch of the JSCo «RZD», approved by the Order of the Head of the Central Directorate for Track Repair - a branch of the JSCo «RZD» from May 14, 2019 No. 123.



Digital twin of turnouts


Keywords: switchboard, digital double, virtual prototype, digital instance, virtual instance, aggregated doubles, virtual analog, virtual models.

Korolev Vadim — Ph.D, associate Professor, associate Professor of Department «Transport construction» of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract: The article analyzes the new possibilities of using digital doubles on the example of switches. New definitions of the terminology of switches for railway digitalization are given. The possibilities of using digital technologies for designing next-generation switches are formulated.

Citation: Korolev V.V. Digital twin of turnouts // Railway Track and Track Facilities. 2021. № 1. PP. 6—8. (In Russian)



On the method of calculating the jointless track for stability and its practical consequences


Keywords: calculation Method, joint-free path, prerequisites for calculation, practical recommendations, ensuring stability.

Novakovich Marina — Ph.D., Rostov state transport University (RSTU), Associate professor, Department of «Higher mathematics». E-mail:

Karmazina Ludmila — Ph.D., Rostov state transport University (RSTU), Associate professor, Department of «Metal technology». E-mail:

Karpachevsky Vycheslav  — Ph.D., Rostov state transport University (RSTU), Associate professor, Department of «Track and track facilities». E-mail:

Shubitidze Viktoriy — Ph.D., Rostov state transport University (RSTU), Associate professor, Department of «Theoretical mechanics». E-mail:

Kornienko Elena — Ph.D., Rostov state transport University (RSTU), Associate professor, Department of «Track and track facilities». E-mail:

Abstract: the article provides a critical analysis of the prerequisites and assumptions for calculating the stability of a joint-free track with practical recommendations for personnel servicing the railway.



Reorganization of the railway track maintenance and repair system


Keywords: exploitation of facilities and the infrastructure, right-of-way, the reliability of the track infrastructure, and risk management.

Suslov Oleg — D.Sci., technical expert, Department of complex innovative projects, Scientific information and analytical center of JSC «VNIIZHT». Moscow, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-code: 4933—0264.

Abstract. The article describes the main strategies for maintenance of track infrastructure that are used on Russian Railways. Their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed, and the transition to a predictive maintenance strategy as the most effective is justified. The directions for adjustment of the current regulatory framework aimed at supporting the predictive strategy are proposed.



Determination of the requirement of track maintenance under modern conditions


Keywords: repair and maintenance determination, power load of track, horizontal wear.

Pevzner Viktor — D.Sci., Chief Researcher of SC «TsPRK», Joint-stock company «Research Institute of railway transport» (JSC «VNIIZHT»). E-mail:

Chechelnitskiy Aleхandr — Head of the Track and Structures Department of the Central Infrastructure Directorate, Open joint stock company «Russian Railways» (JSC «Russian Railways»). E-mail:

Lisitsin Andrey – Head of Department of Labor Protection, Industrial Safety and Environmental Control, Russian Railways. E-mail:

Grin Elena — Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department «Tracks and track facility» Russian university of transport (RUT (MIIT)). E-mail:

Petropavlovskaya Irina — Senior Researcher of SC «TsPRK», Joint-stock company «Research Institute of railway transport» (JSC «VNIIZHT»). E-mail:

Baronayte Renata — Leading Engineer of SC «TsPRK», Joint-stock company «Research Institute of railway transport» (JSC «VNIIZHT»). E-mail:

Abstract. The article discusses the need for basic repair works in modern operating environment. There is shown in the article that the prompt repair determination should be carried out based on the information of the actual track condition. At the tactic level repair determination should be realized on the basis of a forecast of the track condition, taking into account its possible changing in operating conditions. At the strategic level for the long term, repair determination should be realized by the aggregating standards. There is also noticed that a special class of repair works focused on eliminating of the long unevenness is necessary.

The issues of predicting the failure of rails in excess carried tonnage, as well as the issues of repair determination on of mountain passing track sections in the horseshoe curves are considered.



Thermal method in control of fatigue cracks in welded superstructures of bridges


Keywords: steel bridges, fatigue cracks, non-destructive testing methods, infrared thermography.

Soloviev Leonid — Ph.D., Siberian State University of Railway Engineering, Associate Professor «Bridges», head. Department of Siberian Research Institute of Bridges. Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail:, SPIN-code: 3943-2050.

Abstract. The issue is devoted to the experience of using infrared thermography in surveys of bridges. The results of laboratory and field studies on welded bridge superstructures are presented. In the course of laboratory studies, cantilever sheet samples with stiffeners under cyclic loading were examined. The configuration of the sample and the loading mode corresponded to the actual operating conditions of the bridge beams. As a result of laboratory experiments, the process of self-heating of the metal in the zones of the vertices of the fatigue cracks was shown, as well as the general process of temperature changes throughout the field of the sample. The study of temperature fields on one of the defective beams of a railway span under a passing load showed the applicability of the method for identifying and assessing the degree of development of fatigue cracks.



Environmental contamination during transportation of petroleum products by rail


Keywords: oil contamination, mineral geoantidotes, geoecoprotective technologies, railway transport.

Sakharova Antonina — Ph.D., associate Professor of the Engineering chemistry and natural science Department, Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University (PGUPS). E-mail:

Eremeev Egor — post-graduate student of the Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University (PGUPS). E-mail:

Abstract. The article analyzes the types of oil contaminations that can occur during the operation of railway transport, and also provides an overview of the methods and technologies for cleaning such contaminations.