Articles published in the issue 01, 2020

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01.01.2020 00:00

Strategy and process-oriented approach to increase speeds at the sections of railway speed and high speed traffic


Keywords: оperation of the infrastructure units and facilities, speed and high-speed railway traffic, ride comfort, passenger comfort, increase in travelling speeds, investment projects, scientific and technological development.

Grishan Alexander — Director of the High Speed Railway Traffic Management Service, Central Infrastructure Directorate, JSCo «RZD». E-mail:

Abstract. The article outlines the issues dealing with operation of infrastructure facilities at the sections of speed and high speed railway traffic. It is noted that one of the key objectives of the Central Infrastructure Development is the maintenance of the sections of speed and high speed railway traffic in terms of «ride comfort» and «passenger comfort». The operations aimed at following up on feedback related to the ride comfort in the high speed trains are performed on an annual basis. The article describes the challenges facing the repair of the infrastructure facilities at the sections of speed and high speed railway traffic.

In order to elaborate the regulations and specifications covering the maintenance of existing sections of speed and high speed railway traffic and to update such regulations and specifications, the High Speed Railway Traffic Management Service has generated a list of research projects to be further implemented in the context of scientific and technological development.



Application of composite materials in railway transport


Keywords: composite materials, composite sleepers, composite linings, insulating joint, composite plates of bridge fabric, ballast-free bridge fabric.

Savin Alexandr — D.Sci., Russian University of transport (MIIT), prorektor.  Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Borts Alexey — Ph.D., Deputy Director of the scientific center, Research Institute of railway transport (JSC «VNIIZHT»). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Svetozarova Irina — Ph.D., leading researcher, Research Institute of railway transport (JSC «VNIIZHT»). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Doroshkevich Anton — Ph.D., Researcher Joint-Stock Company «Scientific Research Institute of Bridges and Flaw Detection» (JSC «Research Institute of Bridges»). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. The studies conducted by JSC «VNIIZHT», products made of composite materials are described. The results of testing of sleepers made of composite materials are presented. Both positive and negative qualities of composite sleepers in comparison with wooden sleepers are shown. The results of studies of composite linings for insulating joints of rails are described. On the basis of the research results, recommendations are given for the development of the Order of installation and maintenance of insulating joints with composite overlays, regulating the possibility of their operation and reuse. The results of tests of composite plates designed for the device of ballast-free bridge fabric on metal span structures of railway bridges are presented.



New technologies for stabilization of the roadbed on karst areas


Keywords: roadbed, sidehill, massive material, yielding, doline, hydrogeological appointments, conical depresion, pre-failure condition, PGRK, StabWay, sheet development, unstable state, power spectral density, lay-over, resin oil, reaction, expense, vugs, filling, experimentation, measures.

Atapin Vitaliy – Ph.D., associate Professor of the department of «Rail and railway equipment» of Samara State Transport University. Samara, Russia.  E-mail:,

Vlasova Svetlana – senior lector of the department «Project» of Samara State Transport University. Samara, Russia. E-mail:

Chekin Artem – lector of the department «Rail and railway equipment» of Samara State Transport University. Samara, Russia. E-mail:

Streltsov Nikolay – student of the department «Construction of track and information technology» of Samara State Transport University. Samara, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. On the example of the district from 1622 km to 1629 running line Ufa-Chernikovka of the Kuibyshev directorate of infrastructure traversing Ufa karstic-land fall sidehill, the problems connected with the maintenance of track and roadbed are discussed. Technical characteristics of a track are given, the hydrogeological situation on a sidehill and statistical information on karst processes for the last years are described.

Based on the data analysis on the pre-failure condition of the geometry of the track and state of the roadbed, received from the program «StabWay», it is concluded that there is a large number of places with yielding of the roadbed on the analyzed track, including after handling of the general rehabilitation. In order to solve this problem, we propose to use organomineral two-component expandable resin oil Geofoam, which allows quickly undertake works on filling vugs in the roadbed. An experimental example of the joint work of crushed ballast and resin oil is given, the technology of filling vugs is described and the average calculation of the cost of filling the conical depression on the analyzed section of track is presented.



Establishing classes of ways to assign of repairs


Keywords: track facilities, railway track class; criteria and normative periodicity of railway track repairs.

Selezneva Natalia — Ph. D., associate professor at the department of railway tracks and track facilities of Russian University of transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Grin Elena — Ph. D., associate professor at the department of railway tracks and track facilities of Russian University of transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. The article deals with the normative documents regulating the activity of the track economy, containing the criteria and the regulatory periodicity of track repairs.



Gabion structure for stormwater runoff treatment from the railway track


Keywords: local stormwater runoff treatment plant, stormwater runoff, geoecoprotective materials, petroleum products, heavy metals ions, gabions, geosynthetic materials.

Sakharova Antonina — Ph.D., assistant professor, Saint-Petersburg state transport University of Emperor Alexander I, (PGUPS). Saint-Petersburg, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. A new type of local stormwater runoff treatment plant for purification of stormwater flowing from the contaminated surface of the railway track is considered in the article. The complex chemical composition of stormwater runoff includes such hazardous pollutants as petroleum products and heavy metals. It shows that concentrations of heavy metals ions in storm sewage significantly exceed maximum allowable concentration, from 10 to 190 times. It is proposed to use gabion local stormwater runoff treatment plant to solve this geoecological problem. This construction consists of gabions, geoecoprotective material and geosynthetics. Studies have shown that cement clinker have geoecoprotective properties and can neutralize petroleum products and heavy metal ions. The use of this material in local stormwater runoff treatment plant will allow reduces environmental pollution near railways.



Сapability of the software GEO5 in the calculation of settlements


Keywords: settlement, settlement in time, the forecast settlement, filtration consolidation, the calculations in GEO5, stages of loading.

Yausheva Svetlana – Ph.D., specialist of technical support GEO5, LLC «FINE SOFT». Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Dyatlova Ksenia — promotion specialist GEO5, LLC «FINE SOFT». Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. The complex of GEO5 programs allows to solve most problems related to geotechnics. Despite the fact that the program is Russified, quite easy to use and has a detailed help, not all designers know and use it to the fullest. The article describes some of the features of the program to calculate the precipitation of soil massifs. In particular, GEO5 implements the mechanism of specifying the deformation module by depth variables, which more fully reflects the work of the soil and ultimately allows to bring the results of theoretical calculations to the real values of settlements at the construction site. The mechanism of restriction of a zone and the direction of filtering and the consolidation connected with it is shown. In addition, the program allows you to get a graph of the settlements caused by filtration consolidation on time. For experienced engineers demonstrated how the knowledge of certain nuances in the behavior of soils, the results of the latest research can be used in the calculations (for example, the use of these works Dashko R.E.). To do this, GEO5 provides the possibility of self-selection of the boundaries of the filtration zone.