Articles published in the issue 1, 2018
« Back 01.01.2018 14:53 The Choice Of efficient limiting Gradient Value On The Cargo-Generating Lines
Keywords: limiting gradient, calculation, cargo-generating line, technical and economic assessment. Antontsev Vitaliy — Chief Specialist of the Department of capital construction, JSC «RZD». E-mail: Abstract. The need for the choice of limiting gradient value generally arises when laying a new railway line, which allows to combine the totality of the best capital cost value during the construction and the rational operating costs with further line maintenance most effectively. This article examines the method development of the choice of efficient limiting gradient value for the cargo-generating lines at the route selection stage.
Evaluation of the impact of engineering geological conditions and natural climatic factors on the technical conditions of transportation facilities
Keywords: destructive geological processes and impacts; span and bridge support condition; bearing capacity; forecast. Kvashuk Sergey — professor, Far East State Transport University. E-mail: Smyshlyaev Boris — Assoc. Prof, Far East State Transport University. E-mail: Abstract. The authors have analyzed the results of monitoring the current status of the operating unclassified bridge structure and its geological environment. The analysis has shown major destructive geological-engineering factors that cause deformations and defects in the bridge supports and spans. The authors have provided a qualitative and quantitative forecast on the bridge operation performance taking consideration of the prospective increment in live load and railway traffic intensity.
Measuring the vibration of the embankment soil on the approach to the bridge
Keywords: measurement of vibrations, vibration of ground road bed, road bed on the approach to the railway bridge. Zamukhovskyi Alexander — Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department «Path and track facilities» of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Moscow. E-mail: Burbobaev Sultan — Chief Engineer of the Almaty Integrated Track Distance JSC «NC “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy”», Almaty. E-mail: Kvashnin Mikhail — Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Transport Construction of the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications (KazATC), Almaty. E-mail: Bondar Ivan — Senior Lecturer of the Department «Transport Construction» of the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications (KazATC), Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan. E-mail: Shmakov Andrey — Engineer of the Department «Path and track facilities» of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Moscow. E-mail: Abstract. The measurements results in relation to the appropriate parameters with regard to the oscillations of the main site and base of the approach embankment of the railway reinforced concrete bridge, located at 118 km line Astana—Pavlodar which is under the influence of the rolling stock. The most indicative parameter characterizing the state is the intensity of oscillations in the frequency band from 0,1 to 10 Hz with the passage of trains. This parameter is practically independent of the size and nature of the mobile load, but depends only on the state of the track and the physical and mechanical properties of the grounds from which the embankment is built.
Laboratory studies of the construction of a protective layer reinforced with a flat geogrid
Keywords: protective layer, flat geogrid, reinforcement of protective layer. Ashpiz Evgeniy — D.Sci., Head of the Department «Path and Track Facilities» of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Moscow. E-mail: Zamukhovskyi Alexander — Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department «Path and track Facilities» of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Moscow. E-mail: Shmakov Andrey — Engineer of the Department «Path and Track Facilities» of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT), Moscow. E-mail: Salmin Andrey — student at the Institute of Track, Construction and Structures RUT (MIIT), Moscow. E-mail: Kuznetsova Anna — Senior Engineer, Tensar Innovative Solutions LLC, St. Petersburg. E-mail: Absrtact. The article presents the results of investigation of various designs of a protective subballast layer reinforced with a flat geogrid Tensar TX1520 in laboratory conditions. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of reinforcement of the flat geogrid Tensar TX1520 on the change in the deformation modulus (EV2) of the protective sub-ballast layer.
On the substantiation of the optimal fixation temperature of rail lashings
Keywords: continuous welded rail, optimal fixation temperature, sustainability of continuous welded rail, rail strength, bolt strength. Novakovich Vasily — D.Sci, Professor, Rostov State Transport University (RSTU), Chair «Railway and track facilities». E-mail: Zalavsky Nikolai — Ph.D., Rostov State Transport University (RSTU), Chair «Railway and track facilities», associated Professor. E-mail: Karpachevsky Gennady — Ph.D., Rostov State Transport University (RSTU), Chair «Railway and track facilities», associated Professor. E-mail: Novakovich Marina — Ph.D., Rostov State Transport University (RSTU), Chair «The higher marhematics-2», associated Professor. E-mail: Abstract. The article presents the scientific and technical justification of the optimal fixation temperature given in the current «Instructions for the structure, installation, maintenance and repair of continuous welded rail».
The Use of waste aluminothermite welding in production building materialsKeywords: mineral wastes, the aluminothermic welding of rails, building materials. Abu-Khasan Makhmud — D.Sci., Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University, professor. E-mail: Maslennikova Ludmila — D.Sci., Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University, professor. E-mail: Naginskiia Igor — Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University, Graduate. E-mail: Troshev Alexey — Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University, Graduate. E-mail: Abstract. The article discusses the possibility of using mineral waste from the aluminothermical rail welding in the form of waste refractory forms, and slag in construction materials in the preparation of ceramic, refractory and cement containing materials. The article provides optimal compositions using crushed and ground mineral waste and physic-mechanical studies of the obtained construction materials. For the study of the waste phase composition and structure of synthesized materials powder x-ray diffraction, differential thermal analysis and electron microscopy were used. |