Articles published in the issue 05, 2020

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01.05.2020 00:00

Track facilities of the Moscow metro


Keywords: subway track, railway track, tunnel, artificial structures, staff training, track diagnostics.

Krikun Alexander — head of the production and technical department of the track and artificial structures service of the Directorate of Infrastructure of the State Unitary Enterprise «Moscow Metro». Moscow, Russia.  E-mail:

Pogosyan David — Post-graduate student, Department «Rail track and track facilities», RTU (MIIT). Moscow, Russia.  E-mail: SPIN-code: 6639-3335

Abstract. The article discloses the activities of one of the Moscow metro units — the Track and Artificial Structures Service of the Infrastructure Directorate. The article describes the main features of the operation of the track in the subway. Diagnostic tools for the track and structures are described, the development of the structures of the upper track structure in the subway is shown, including to reduce vibrations. The activity of the subway in the direction of ensuring the high labor qualifications of technical personnel is disclosed.



Analysis of the specific output of rails in the Moscow metro


Keywords: metro, rails, economic effect.

Zamukhovsky Alexander — Ph.D., associate Professor  of Department «Rail track and track facilities», Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-код: 4211-6690.

Semenov Evgeny — Engineer of the scientific research laboratory «Track test» of the Department «Path and Track Facilities» of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. Rails in the subway are the most expensive element of the track’s upper structure, as a result of which their replacement requires significant costs. In 2013, the department «Way and track economy» conducted research on the possibility of increasing the service life of rails using methods of mathematical statistics, and the present work is their further continuation.



Results of the Activities of the Working Group on Wheel and Rail Interaction on Rapid  and High-Speed Railway Sections


Keywords: wheel and rail interaction, rapid and high-speed trains, ride smoothness, passenger comfort, accelerometry, electronic stability control, scientific and technological development.

Grishan Aleksandr — Head of the Rapid and High-Speed Rail Division of the Central Infrastructure Directorate at JSC Russian Railways. Email:

Abstract. This article describes the main tasks of the Working Group on Wheel and Rail Interaction on Rapid and High-Speed Railway Sections. Emphasis is placed on the progress made in 2019 in the following areas: research; test runs; identification of rail sections for measuring rail profile and the state of the cant; establishment of the parameters that affect ride smoothness and passenger comfort and their optimal values.

The article outlines the Working Group’s activities for 2020, including research within the framework of scientific and technological development.



Influence of flat geogrid properties on the stability of the ballast and subballast layer


Keywords: geogrid, mechanical stabilisation, radial stiffness.

Kuznetsova Anna — master, Senior Engineer OOO «Tensar Innovative Solutions». Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. In Russia the list of geogrid required properties is the same all reinforcement and stabilising applications – reinforced soil, embankment base, ballast and subballast. It includes tensile strength and a number of durability parameters. However, the research and experience with the use of geogrids suggests that the requirements should be differentiated. For successful work to increase the stiffness and stability of the stone material of the ballast or protective layer, the characteristics that determine the ability of the geogrid to interlock and immobilize stone in the apertures are important. The article provides a list of the main parameters of the geogrid and a description of studies aimed at determining the optimal configuration of the geomaterial.



Study of welded joints of the switch


Keywords: crosspiece, welded rail endings, insert, chrome-Nickel austenitic steel, defects of technological origin, color flaw detection, the structure of the welded core connection, selection of the optimal composition of the insert material.

Shishkina Irina — Ph.D., assistant of department of Transport construction Russian University of Transport (RUT (MIIT)). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. The article deals with the use of designs of crosses with welded rail ends, the manufacturing technology of which is based on the method of welding by pulsed reflow. However, defects of technological origin may occur in the welded joints of such crosses. Studies show that the selection of the optimal composition of the insert material should be carried out according to the gradient scheme, gradually changing the proportions of the contained elements to ensure compatibility of deformation under different types of loads, optimization of tribological relations with the material of the wheelset and improvement of weldability parameters.

Citation: Shishkina I.V. Study of welded joints of the switch. Railway Track and Track Facilities. 2020. No 5. P. 32—35 (in Russian).