Articles published in the issue 03, 2020

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01.03.2020 00:00

On the interaction in the «wheel—rail» system in the areas of high-speed traffic


Keywords: railway track, the outline of the profiles of wheels and rails, contact stresses, sub-slope of rails, track width.

Lisitsyn Andrey — JSC RZD, director of PKB I. Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Abdurashitov Anatoly — Ph.D., head of department of PKB I — branch of Russian Railways. Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. The issues of interaction in the «wheel-rail» system in high-speed traffic areas are considered and measures are proposed to reduce the level of interaction, including by optimizing the content of wheels and rails.



Contact voltages at different mutual location wheels and rails


Keywords: finite element method, theories of elasticity, contact patch, contact stresses, rolling average circle, rail guide.

Pokaski Vladimir — Ph.D., associate Professor of the Department «Road and track facilities» Samara state transport University. Samara, Russia.

E-mail: SPIN-code: 1323-8872.

Ovchinnikov Dmitry — Ph. D., acting head. of the Department «Road and track facilities» Samara state transport University. Samara, Russia.

E-mail: SPIN-code: 2384-0535.

Gallyamov Damir — postgraduate student of the Department «Road and track facilities» Samara state transport University. Samara, Russia.

E-mail: SPIN-code: 3896-0667.

Abstract. Strategy of development of holding «Russian Railways» provides for further increases as axle load and length of trains. The increase in axial loads inevitably causes an increase in mechanical stresses in the contact zone of the wheel and rail, as well as all elements of the sub-rail base. When the crew moves, the position of the wheel pair in relation to the rails changes significantly, resulting in various combinations of the wheel and rail contact zones. Even with a constant axial load, the normal stresses will vary due to the difference in the curvature radii of the contacting surfaces of these zones. Under real conditions, quantitative evaluation of interaction parameters can be performed only with the use of numerical simulation methods. To solve this problem, a three-dimensional finite element model was developed, modeled with full geometric similarity to full-scale structures, with a capacity of more than 300 thousand nodes. The calculations show that the increase in the axial load from 6 to 30 t (5 times) leads to an increase in contact stresses of 1,5—1,8 times. Changing the contact zone on the running surface of the rail with a radius of 500 mm causes changes in contact stresses within 3 %. The displacement of the contact zone of the wheel of the relative average skating circle of more than 30 mm leads to an increase in the contact stresses of more than 2 times at the same axial loads. Typically, this is observed in «high curves» (small radius curves) along the inner track rail. Especially a significant increase in contact stresses occurs at the contact of the wheels with a transition zone of the profile of conicity 1/10 to 1/3,5, where the level of contact stresses increases more than 4 times. This leads to significant vertical wear and the appearance of a «groove» in the middle part of the rail head; deformation of metal and the widening of the rail head; reduced quality of flaw detection (or even becomes impossible) due to the separation and destruction of the surface of the rail rolling.



Measures to reduce noise near the railway


Keywords: railway line, traffic noise, vibration, residential development, methods of protection, noise barriers, noise absorber.

Manakov Alexey — D.Sci., rector Siberian Transport University. Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail:

Karpushenko Nikolay — D.Sci., professor Siberian Transport University. Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail:

Velichko Dmitry — Ph.D, associated professor Siberian Transport University. Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. The article provides information on the main factors in the formation of railway noise, on sanitary standards, on the main ways of protecting the nearby territory, at various stages of noise propagation. Examples of calculations are given to justify the effectiveness of the application of methods for protecting residential buildings from train noise in areas with heavy high-speed traffic and suggestions are made about the parameters of noise barriers.



On the specialization bases PMS


Keywords: specialization, production bases, PMS, machinery, assembly, repair, rail-sleeper grid.

Pikalov Alexander – Ph.D., head of the Department of development and implementation of new projects of the Central Directorate for track repair, JSC RZD. Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Klementov Aleksey — Ph.D., Deputy head of Department of HZPM PKB I, JSC RZD. Khabarovsk, Russia. E-mail:

Skripachov Ivan — Ph.D., doctor of transport, Professor of the Department «Transport and technological complexes», Far Eastern State Transport University. Khabarovsk, Russia. E-mail:

Kulikov Oleg — graduate student, lecturer of the Novosibirsk Technical School of Railway Transport, the structural division of the Siberian State Transport University. Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. The modern directions of production activity of CDRP in the form of specialization of production bases of PMS, equipment of their modern technical Assembly, repair and dismantle of RSHR are considered and analyzed.



Automation of the dosated ballast unloading


Keywords: planned preventive alignment, hopper VPM 770, technological process, industrial control system, microprocessor system «Navigator», VNIIZHT-MATESS, ALC, VPR-02M.

Sychev Petr — master of ROAT RUT (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Yudin Andrey — master student of ROAT RUT (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. The results of the experimental verification of the proposed track alignment technology based on the use of the VPM 770 hopper metering unit are presented, and the possibility of its automation is evaluated by creating an automated process control system using the preventive track alignment. The experiment was conducted at the ground of the railway of the Volga Region on the site of the odd-numbered route at the direction Kochetovka—Saratov from 848 km to 852 km during the gap on May 18th, 2018. The preliminary measuring trip was carried out with the calculation of the alignment, record of subsidence of the track rails of the aligned section of the track and calculation of the required volume of crushed stone for lifting the track, after which the machine VPR-02M conducted the alignment. Subsequently, an analysis of the indications of the track-recording car was made particularly concerning the identified deviations in the geometry of the rail track before the alignment and after, based on the results of which the reduction in deviations in the geometry of the rail track was revealed. Besides, the economic effect during the introduction of the automated alignment process was asserted.



Prediction of temperature impact on rails using neural networks


Keywords: jointless rail, temperature intervals, neural network, prediction temperature.

Zamukhovsky Alexandr — Ph.D., docent department «Railroad track and track facilities» of Russian University of Transport. Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Manyugina Ekaterina — Ph.D., docent department «Railroad track and track facilities» of Russian University of Transport. Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Zhuravlev Andrey — senior lecturer department «Railroad track and track facilities» of Russian University of Transport. Moscow, Russia. E-mail: miit.ppx@inbox.ruAbstract.

Abstract. The temperature of the rail should be constantly monitored to ensure a safe operation of the continuous welded path. Therefore, it is very important to evaluate the dynamics of changes in these temperatures, both by day of the year and by time of day, and also to have an opportunity to forecast these temperatures at certain time intervals. In our case, the neural network should be able to calculate the temperature of the rails based on certain initial data. The described in the article neural network gives quite accurate for practical use results and allows us to forecast the level of temperature impact on rails.



Determination of residual stresses in rails


Keywords: residual stresses, old rails, high frequency tests, microstructure, microhardness.

Loktev Alexey — D.Sci., Professor, head of department «Transport construction», Russian University of Transport. Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Gridasova Catherine — Ph.D., associate Professor of welding production Department, Far Eastern Federal University. Vladivostok, Russia. E-mail:

Korolev Vadim — Ph.D., associate Professor of department «Transport construction», Russian University of Transport. Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. In the article the author proposes to conduct a number of studies before reusing rail lashes, proposes a mathematical model of the dynamic behavior of the rail segment and a technique for conducting high-frequency tests with the study of the microstructure and microhardness of samples of old-fashioned rails.

Citation: Loktev A.A., Gridasova C.A., Korolev V.V. Possibility of determination of residual stresses in rails before their re — use in a way by means of high-frequency tests. Put i putevoe hoziaystvo, 2019, 3, pр. 30—33. (in Russian)



Does the mass of the sleeper affect the shear resistance in the ballast


Keywords: the resistance of ballast, the viscosity of the ballast.

Novakovich Vasily — D.Sci, Professor of the Department «Railway track and track facilities», Rostov State Transport University (RSTU). Rostov-on-Don, Russia. E-mail:

Mironenko Yevgeny — post-graduate student of the Department «Railway track and track facilities», Rostov State Transport University (RSTU). Rostov-on-Don, Russia. E-mail:

Khadukaev Nurali — post-graduate student of the Department «Railway track and track facilities», Rostov State Transport University (RSTU). Rostov-on-Don, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. The resistance of crushed stone to shear sleepers largely affects the stability of the jointless path, since it is one of the main reactive forces opposing the active longitudinal force. In this regard, the study of linear resistance and the factors affecting it has been carried out for many years and is still an urgent task.

This article describes the influence of the sleeper mass on its resistance to shear in ballast. To address this issue, pilot studies have been carried out taking into account the dynamic effects of passing trains.



Digitalization in the design of curved sections


Keyword: design, transition and vertical curves, requirements, spatial curve, path, combined, biclotoide curve, total forces.

Akkerman Gennady — D.Sci., professor of the department «Track and rail construction» of the Ural State Transport University. Yekaterinburg, Russia. E-mail:

Akkerman Sergey – Ph.D., associate Professor of the department «Track and rail construction» of the Ural State Transport University. Yekaterinburg, Russia. E-mail:

Kargapoltsev Dmitriy - Postgraduate student of the Department «Track and rail construction» of the Ural State Transport University. Yekaterinburg, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. Nowadays in the field of railway lines designing and construction it is forbidden by normative base to combine transition curves in plane and vertical curves in profile. But, the normative documentation of railways design and high-speed highway doesn’t allow combine transition curves in plan with vertical curves in profile. Computer simulations have shown that this requirement is unnecessary.