Articles published in the issue 03, 2016
« Back 01.03.2016 03:56 Modeling of ballast compaction by means of track maintenance machine
Keywords: Compaction by vibration, crushed rockfill ballast, compaction indexes, compressing tests of crushed rockfill ballast, track maintenance machine
Popovich Maximilian — Ph.D., professor of chair «Lifting-transportation, track maintenance and construction machines», Petersburg State Transport University (PSTU), e-mail: Volkovoinov Boris — Ph.D., assistant professor of chair «Lifting-transportation, track maintenance and construction machines», PSTU, e-mail: Atamanjuk Alexander — Ph.D., assistant professor of chair «Lifting-transportation, track maintenance and construction machines», PSTU, e-mail: Polyanichko Nikita — post-graduate student of chair «Lifting-transportation, track maintenance and construction machines», PSTU, e-mail:
Abstract: The article comprises consideration of the use of the analysis results of crush rockfill ballast state during its compression tests for definition of compaction parameters of track maintenance machine.
Solar radiation and thermal regime of subgrade
Keywords: solar radiation; thermal balance; subgrade seasonal freezing-thawing; permafrost; cryolite zone
Isakov Alexander — D.Sc, Prof., Siberian Transport University, e-mail: Lavrova Anna — engineer, Siberian Transport University, e-mail:
Abstract: This paper presents a comparative analysis of simulation processes of seasonal freezing-thawing of railway subgrade and permafrost degradation, with and without accounting for solar radiation. Also, the effect of sun screens to reduce the degradation of subgrade permafrost under different climatic conditions is numerically substantiated. And finally, the temperature criterion of the origination of permafrost is illustrated.
The Load-Testing Diagnostic Complex SPM-18 equipped with a high-performance non-contact measurement system
Keywords: load Test Diagnostic Complex, bearing capacity, deformability, elastic deformation, the modulus of elasticity, background component of the rails, background component of the rail ties, non-contact measurement system.
Osipov Viktor — candidate of technical Sciences scientific consultant NPF «Spetsmash», e-mail: Pakhomov Aleksandr — head of division of measurements NPF «Spetsmash», e-mail:
Abstract: This article describes the role played by load tests in resolving diagnostic issues of upper and lower rail line structures employing the SPM-18 Load Test Diagnostic Complex equipped with a high-performance non-contact measurement system.
The development of norms of laying continuous welded rail lashes on the bridge with ballast roadway
Keywords: сontinuous welded rails, railbar, bridges with ballast roadway.
Suslov Oleg — head of laboratory, Joint Stock Company Railway Research Institute (JSC «VNIIZhT»), e-mail: Portnov Alexey — Deputy head of production technology Department, Joint Stock Company Transputstroy (JSC «Transputstroy»), e-mail:
Abstract. This article considers the main issues of developing standards of laying continuous welded rail on bridges with ballast roadway. There is a review of existing approaches to the development of norms, defined their scope. Describes the results of experiments on the interaction of continuous welded rail lashes and the bridge floor. Developed a refined method of calculation of longitudinal forces in continuous welded rail the whips and developed a practical method of its application. |