Articles published in the issue 02, 2020

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01.02.2020 00:00

Complex system of electrical heating and lubriking of switches


Keywords: electric railroad switch heating, rail lubrication, rail infrastructure development.

Andreev Vladimir — Head of the Center for technical policy. E-mail:

Lisicin Andrey — Director of Infrastructure Design Office of Russian Railways. E-mail:

Abstract. In order to ensure an inclusive approach to railroad station infrastructure maintenance, pilot project for AMEL – type combined rail heating and lubrication system is implemented since 2015 as a part of «Rail transport resource conservation technologies» investment program. Pilot project was aimed at designing the automated system that is up to modern technical standards and is compatible with current Automated Control Systems at russian railways. Goals of the development were optimization of financial, energy and human resources usage as well as increased efficiency in operating of railroad station infrastructure. AMEL system is designed for clearing railroad switches from ice and snow, lubrication of railroad switches and providing an electric plug for portable devices with a possibility of remote performance monitoring and system control.



Problems of using screw-dowel fastening in turnouts


Keywords: screw-dowel fastening, screws, dynamic durability tests, stresses, deformations, screw failures, controlled operation.

Titarenko Mikhail — Ph.D., Leading Researcher, JSC «VNIIZhT». E-mail:

Glyuzberg Boris — D.Sci., Professor, Head of the Laboratory «Turnout facility», JSC «VNIIZhT», E-mail:

Abstract. The article describes the test results of the Project 2946 turnouts on a reinforced concrete base with screw-dowel fastening for tracks of marshalling yards. The data on the working of turnouts equipped with screws from various manufacturers are given. Proposals for improving the design of screws in order to increase their operational stability are presented.



Rail fasteners for the harsh conditions of Siberia


Keywords: railway track, track structure, rail fastening, operational tests of the railway track, current railway track maintenance.

Antonov Nikolay — Ph.D., associate professor. Siberian Transport University (STU). Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail:

Velichko Dmitriy — Ph.D., associate professor, head of the department «Track and track facilities». Siberian Transport University (STU). Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. The article provides information about the results of many years of work on the creation and testing of SGUPS rail fasteners for the harsh conditions of Siberia. The comparative results of laboratory and operational tests of modern rail fasteners. Proposals are given to improve the durability of the elements of intermediate rail fasteners, including the introduction of an updated rail fastening KNU-65 SHD.



Monitoring of high embankments with the introduction of the heavy freight traffic


Keywords: controlled operation, heavy traffic, vibration diagnostics, deep ground reference points, monitoring of high embankments.

Aspiz Eugene — D.Sci., head of the Department «Path and track facilities» of the Russian University of transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Shmakov Andrey — engineer of the Department «Path and track facilities» of the Russian University of transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. The article presents the results of controlled operation of cars with increased axial loads up to 27 t/axis at the test site Kachkanar—Smichka Sverdlovsk railway.



Excavation device in the arctic tundra


Keywords: roadbed, excavation, Arctic tundra, snow transfer, snow protection structures, permafrost.

Seleznev Alexey — engineer, Director General Institute «Giprotransproekt». St. Petersburg, Russia.


Abstract. In the existing normative documents it is recommended to design the roadbed of Railways and highways in the permafrost zone in the General case, if possible, in embankments. However, the refusal of recesses in the design of Railways and roads leads to a sharp rise in the cost of construction. In the Arctic tundra, there are two problems that complicate the use of excavation: heavy snow transfer and the presence of high-ice soils, and often buried ice. Heavy snow transfer requires a strong opening of recesses (gentle slopes), but this can not be done, because the violation of the surface layers of the soil leads to thawing of the bases and sometimes catastrophic shifts and destruction of nearby massifs. The way out of this impasse lies in the use of tunnel-type recesses, in which the surface disturbance is minimal. The article analyzes two examples of the use of tunnel type recesses, in which a significant environmental effect is achieved.



The influence of wet splashes on force impact of rolling stock and track


Keywords: splash, vertical forces, rail deflections, freight trains, passenger trains.

Kossov Valery — D.Sci., Professor, Director General of JSC «VNIKTI». Kolomna, Russia. E-mail:

Krasnov Oleg — Ph.D., Head of Department of track and special rolling stock of JSC «VNIKTI». Kolomna, Russia. E-mail:

Akashev Mikhail — Development engineer of JSC «VNIKTI». Kolomna, Russia. E-mail:

Abstract. The article provides results of experimental studies to evaluate the influence of wet splashes on force and kinematic parameters of the interaction of passenger and freight train wheels and track. It is established that values of vertical forces and rail deflections are higher when moving along a wet splash than in the reference section: values of vertical forces are 1,35—1,8 times higher, values of deflections are 6—11 times higher.

Citation: Krasnov O.G. The influence of wet splashes on force impact of rolling stock and track / Krasnov O.G., Akashev M.G. // Track and track facilities. 2019. # X. P. XX-XX.