Articles published in the issue 02, 2016
« Back 01.02.2016 09:21 Identification of potentially dangerous sections of jointless tracks and recommendations on their elimination
Keywords: continuous welded rail path, the rail bar, welding methods, potentially dangerous areas, a residual arrow of a bend.
Kravchenko Yurii Mikhailovich — chief project engineer of design Institute «Transpromproekt» USURT, e-mail:
Abstract: In the process of reconstruction (modernization) of railway track and its capital repairs on new and used materials annual extension of the site jointless tracks. The article considered the possibility of the formation of potentially dangerous sections of jointless tracks, revealing their locations, as well as development of recommendations on elimination.
The stress-strain state of jointless tracks with considering and without considering the influence of the trains
Keywords: stress-strain state, plot longitudinal forces, the static method, consideration the influence of the trains and time factor, jointless track.
Novakovich Marina Vasilyevna — candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of chair «The higher mathematics-2», Rostov State Transport University (RSTU), e-mail: Kornienko Elena Vladimirovna — lecturer of chair «Track and facilities», Rostov State Transport University (RSTU), e-mail: Xadukaev Ali Supyanovich — post graduator of chair «Track and facilities», Rostov State Transport University (RSTU), e-mail:
Abstract: The calculation, determinative the stress-strain state of jointless tracks, with considering time factor and the influence of the trains is described in the article. As a result dangerous places are determined on the condition of stability with elevated longitudinal compressive forces.
Enforsement of a ballast section with a two-component polymer binder
Keywords: railway, ballast section, two-component polymer binders, ground-penetrating-radar measurements, track repair works
Kruglikov Alexandr Alexandrovich — Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Chair of Exploration, Design and Construction of Railroads Rostov State Transport University, e-mail: Ermolov Yakov Mikhailovich — Graduate student Chair of Physics Rostov State Transport University, e-mail: Yavna Viktor Anatolievich — Dr. of Physical-mathematical sciences, professor, chair head, Chair of Physics Rostov State Transport University, e-mail: Kholodniy Zinoviy Vasilievich — Chief engineer, designer RT Polyplast ltd, e-mail:
Abstract: This work reports on the results of applied research aimed at strengthening the railway track ballast section with two-component polymer binders. The possibility of GPR measurements in monitoring the compliance with the technology regulations for strengthening the ballast section on large spans of railway track is demonstrated. The depth of penetration of the binder is determined as a function of its flow rate. The change of the elastic modulus of ballast section upon its strengthening with polymer materials is shown. The field tests have shown that the strengthening of the ballast section surface with the «DPS-RT-KC-001» polymer binder does not preclude repair works using liner-tamper-surfacer and crushed-stone-cleaner machines.
Strengthening of embankments of second railway track on soft soils
Keywords: permafrost soil, second railway track, reinforced soil construction.
Tukmakova Oxana Viktorovna – junior scientific officer Scientific Research Laboratory «Bases and foundations» Far Eastern State Transportation University, е-mail: Zhdanova Svetlana Mirzahanovna — Doctor of Science (Technical), Head of the Scientific Research Laboratory «Bases and foundations» Far Eastern State Transportation University, Professor at the Department of «Construction», е-mail:
Abstract: The article addressed the actual problem of ensuring the stability of maintenance roadbed on weak soils, including permafrost soils, as a result of the dumping of the second railway track from normal soils. As result by calculations, the proposed reinforced soil construction allows to ensure the integrity and stability of double-track embankment without the use of expensive materials and assorted rocky ground.
Application of geonets made of basalt fibre
Keywords: Earthwork, geonets made of basalt fibre, anti-deformational, anti-sinkhole structures, broadening of narrowed areas, securing stability of the ballast section.
Dydyshko Peter — the senior staff scientist of JSC «VNIIZHT», е-mail: Olkhina Svetlana — a research scientist of JSC «VNIIZHT», Matveev Evgeniy — the Director General of REXTROM-K, LLC.
Abstract: Anti-deformational structures of earthwork of railway lines use coverings made of foam plastics, nonwoven synthetic material, water-proof geomembranes. A new kind of geonets made of basalt fibre is offered to be applied; these geonets have a high-tensile strength and low flexibility. The methods of the initial data obtaining are represented, which are necessary for appropriation and design of reinforcement structures of a railway line, the main construction and technological solutions are set forth as regards an elimination of tracks depression, broadening of narrowed areas and other defects of earthwork. Geonets are also applied for reinforcing of embankments when constructing new lines and the second tracks, securing stability of the ballast section, including in rapid rates of curvature and in anti-sinkhole structures. |