Articles published in the issue 01, 2022
« Back 31.12.2021 00:00 New Instruction on the assessment of the condition of the track gauge by track measuring means
Keywords: track measuring vehicle, assessment of the track condition characteristics, track gauge geometry, deviations from the standards of track maintenance, quantitative assessment of track sections. Zenzinov Boris — Ph.D., Head of the group «Diagnostics of track infrastructure» Joint Stock Company «The Railway Research Institute» («VNIIZHT»). Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. The main provisions and advantages of the new Instruction on the assessment of the condition of the track gauge by track measuring means, which came into effect at the beginning of 2021, are considered. In comparison with the previous Instruction CP-515, the nomenclature of controlled parameters of the track has been expanded 3 times, an assessment of high-speed sections of the track has been introduced, the qualitative assessment of kilometers and divisions has been changed. The main results of the assessment of the state of the track according to the new Instruction in 2021 are presented.
Rail fastenings stiffness for ballastless track
Keywords: rail fastenings, ballastless track, rail pad stiffness, elastic pad stiffness, static stiffness, dynamic stiffness, stiffness modification coefficient, testing, requirements. Petrov Aleksandr — technical director LLC «OTR Group». E-mail: Mikhaylov Sergey — Risk modeling group team Leader of JSC «VNIIZHT». E-mail: Savin Aleksandr — D. Sci., Pro-rector Russian University of transport (MIIT). E-mail: Abstract. Rail fastenings are intermediary constructions, which include all elements, operating in direct contact with the rail and rail support. Taking into account plan to develop High Speed Line on the Russia territory, issue becomes urgent about determine requirements for fastening systems with an intermediate elastic layer for a ballastless track. Domestic and foreign scientist’s works show the necessity to establish regulation norms for rail fastening elastic characteristic for slab track, which operate at low temperature condition.
Calculation of the loading capacity of rack supports of the bridge using the midas complex
Keywords: railway bridge, carrying capacity of supports, rack support, classification of supports, bending moment, longitudinal force, bridge in a curve, reference load, criterion for carrying capacity. Efimov Stefan — Ph.D., Associate Professor, Siberian Transport University, Siberian Research Institute of Bridges. Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-code: 7415-2822. Zhunev Kirill — engineer, Siberian Transport University, Siberian Research Institute of Bridges. Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-code: 7887-5244. Popova Ekaterina — Senior Researcher, Siberian Research Institute of Bridges, Siberian Transport University. Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail: Usoltsev Andrey — head. Department of the Siberian Research Institute of Bridges. Siberian Transport University. Novosibirsk, Russia. E-mail: SPIN-code: 6167-6140. Abstract. The article discusses the issues of calculating the carrying capacity of the rack supports of a railway bridge located in a curve. Impacts from constant and temporary loads are determined using the Midas Civil software package. A feature of the calculation is taking into account the influence of centrifugal force. The carrying capacity is determined by the classification method based on the current Guidelines. Criteria for the load carrying capacity of the support were determined on the basis of the current Instructions for assessing the technical condition.
The need to develop sixth-generation «hexa» switches
Keywords: switchboard, «НEXA», model range, designs, project. Shishkina Irina — Ph.D., associate Professor of the department of «Transport construction» of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT). Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. The article provides a definition of what is considered to be the model number of switches. The existing model series of switches are considered and the necessity of creating the next generation of «HEXA» switches is justified. Their advantages and disadvantages are presented. The necessity of developing a new 1/13 brand switch is analyzed, and model ranges of a new generation of switch products are proposed. Citation: Shishkina I.V. The need to develop sixth-generation «HEXA» switches. Railway Track and Track Facilities. 2021. XX. PP. XX—XX. (In Russian)
Improving the designS of tramway rail turnouts in St. Petersburg
Keywords: tramway track, rail turnout, special tramway track parts. Minkin Denis — D.Sci., Professor, Director of the St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise «Gorelektrotrans». St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: Dudkin Evgeny — D.Sci., Professor of the Department «Construction of Roads of the Transport complex» of the Petersburg State University of Railways of Emperor Alexander I. St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: Basovsky Dmitry — Ph.D., associate Professor of the Department «Construction of Roads of the Transport complex» of the Petersburg State Transport University of Emperor Alexander I. St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: Vostrikov Oleg — engineer, head of the track service of the St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise «Gorelektrotrans». St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: Abstract. This article discusses the design features of special parts of the tramway and various types of special parts. The work of turnouts on tram lines of the St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise «Gorelectrotrans» is described. The most reliable are turnouts with flexible blades. The features of their design and operational advantages are described. For tram tracks on a track separate from the road, on the tracks of the depot, a modern design of a non-point blades turnout is promising. The choice of a particular structure during the construction or repair of tracks is determined by a methodology that takes into account technical, infrastructural and economic factors.
Issues of increasing production through the «window» during major repairs of track on closed hauls
Keywords: railway track, JSC «Russian Railways», overhaul of the track, closed section, track machines. Nepomnyaschikh Evgeny — Senior Teacher, Transbaikal Railway Institute, IrGUPS. Chita, Russia. E-mail: Kirpichnikov Konstantin — Ph.D., assistant professor department «The construction of Railways» Transbaikal Railway Institute, IrGUPS. Chita, Russia. E-mail: Kovalyuk Dmitriy — student, Transbaikal Railway Institute, IrGUPS. Chita, Russiа. Е-mail: Abstract. Economic and technical indicators of the effectiveness of the overhaul of the railway track using the closed haul technology determined the further stages of development in this direction. The closure of the stretch for a long time is preceded by large-scale preparatory work. Improvement of the planning of technological processes is required, followed by careful coordination of the interaction of all involved services and directorates. Only coordinated actions of all involved structural divisions with the performance of work with high-performance machines and mechanisms will ensure the implementation of strategically important tasks for Russian Railways to increase the average output per window to 3000 meters per day. |